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Aznaveh, M., Chen, J., Davis, T. A., Hegyi, B., Kolodziej, S. P., Mattson, T. G., and Szárnyas, G., "Parallel GraphBLAS with OpenMP", SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing (CSC) co-located with the SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP), Seattle, WA, SIAM, 2020.
Vörös, A., Bartha, T., Darvas, D., Szabó, T., Jámbor, A., and Horváth, Á., "Parallel Saturation Based Model Checking", The 10th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC 2011), Cluj Napoca, IEEE Computer Society, 07/2011.
Darvas, D., Blanco Viñuela, E., and Majzik, I., "PLC Code Generation Based on a Formal Specification Language", 14th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Poitiers, France, IEEE, pp. 389-396, 07/2016.
Darvas, D., Majzik, I., and Blanco Viñuela, E., "PLC Program Translation for Verification Purposes", Periodica Polytechnica, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, vol. 61, issue 2, pp. 151–165, 05/2017. Abstract
Darvas, D., Fernández Adiego, B., and Blanco Viñuela, E., "PLCverif: A tool to verify PLC programs based on model checking techniques", Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, Melbourne, Australia, JACoW, pp. 911-914, 10/2015.
Debreceni, C., Bergmann, G., Ráth, I., and Varró, D., "Property-based Locking in Collaborative Modeling", 20th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Austin, Texas, USA, 09/2017.
Chechik, M., Dalpiaz, F., Debreceni, C., Horkoff, J., Ráth, I., Salay, R., and Varró, D., "Property-Based Methods for Collaborative Model Development", 3rd International Workshop on the Globalization Of Modeling Languages and the 9th International Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling co-located with ACM/IEEE 18th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Ottawa,Canada, 2015/09.
Dal Cin, M., Huszerl, G., and Kosmidis, K., "Quantitative Evaluation of Dependability Critical Systems Based on Guarded Statechart Models", Proc. Fourth IEEE Int. Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE'99): IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 37 - 45, 1999.
Bergmann, G., Debreceni, C., Ráth, I., and Varró, D., "Query-based Access Control for Secure Collaborative Modeling using Bidirectional Transformations", ACM/IEEE 19th Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Saint-Malo, France, 2016.
Acceptance rate: 23.7%. Received ACM Distinguished Paper Award.
Debreceni, C., Horváth, Á., Hegedüs, Á., Ujhelyi, Z., Ráth, I., and Varró, D., "Query-driven incremental synchronization of view models", Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on View-Based, Aspect-Oriented and Orthographic Software Modelling, York, United Kingdom, ACM, pp. 31, 07/2014.
Darvas, D., Majzik, I., and Blanco Viñuela, E., "Requirements towards a formal specification language for PLCs", Proceedings of the 22nd PhD Mini-Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, pp. 18-21, 02/2015.
Molnár, V., Darvas, D., Vörös, A., and Bartha, T., "Saturation-based Incremental LTL Model Checking with Inductive Proofs", Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, vol. 9035: Springer, pp. 643-657, 2015.
Debreceni, C., Bergmann, G., Ráth, I., and Varró, D., "Secure Views for Collaborative Modeling", IEEE Software, vol. 35, issue 6, no. 6, pp. 32-38, 11/2018.
Paljak, G J., Kocsis, I., Égel, Z., Tóth, D., and Pataricza, A., "Sensor Selection for IT Infrastructure Monitoring", Autonomic Computing and Communications Systems, vol. 23: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 130-143, 2010.
Pap, Z., and Varró, D., "Static Safety Analysis of UML Action Semantics for Critical Systems Development", GI Jahrestagung (1), vol. 50: GI, pp. 57-61, September, 2004. Abstract
Varga, I., Bartha, T., Szabo, G., and Kiss, B., "Status and Actual Risk Monitoring in a NPP Reactor Protection System", Probabilistic safety assessment and management. Proceedings of thje PSAM7 - ESREL'04 Conference, Berlin, Springer, pp. 2654 - 2659, 2004.
UT: 000223579900425
Dávid, I., Ráth, I., and Varró, D., "Streaming Model Transformations By Complex Event Processing", ACM/IEEE 17th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MODELS 2014, Valencia, Spain, Springer, 2014.
Acceptance rate: 26%
Darvas, D., "Szaturáció alapú korlátos modellellenőrzési technikák Petri-hálók analízisére", XVII. Fiatal Műszakiak Tudományos Ülésszaka, Cluj Napoca, Romania, Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület Műszaki Tudományok Szakosztálya, pp. 83-86, 2012.
Darvas, D., and Vörös, A., "Szaturációalapú tesztbemenet-generálás színezett Petri-hálókkal", Mesterpróba 2013. Konferenciakiadvány, pp. 48-51, 05/2013.
Majzik, I., Domokos, P., and Magyar, M., "Tool-supported Dependability Evaluation of Redundant Architectures in Computer Based Control Systems", Proc. FORMS/FORMAT 2007, the 6th Symposium on Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and Automotive Systems: Gesamtzentrum für Verkehr Braunschweig e.V., pp. 342 - 352, 2007.