Szűrők: Az Utónév Első Betűje = K [Minden szűrő visszaállítása]
"Modeling and Verification of Reliable Messaging by Graph Transformation Systems",
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci., vol. 175, no. 4, pp. 37-50, 2007.
"Generation of Sierpinski Triangles: A Case Study for Graph Transformation Tools",
AGTIVE - Applications of Graph Transformation, Kassel, Germany, Springer, 10/2007.
"Automating Model Transformation by Example Using Inductive Logic Programming",
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2007), Seoul, Korea, March 11-15, 2007: ACM Press, pp. 978-984, 2007.
Acceptance rate: 32%
"An Eclipse-Based Framework for AIS Service Configurations",
Proc. 4th International Service Availability Symposium, ISAS 2007, Durham, NH, USA, May 21-22, 2007, vol. 4526: Springer, pp. 110-126, 2007.
Acceptance rate: 44%
"Formal Modeling of BPEL Workflows Including Fault and Compensation Handling",
EFTS '07: Proceedings of the 2007 workshop on Engineering fault tolerant systems, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 1, 2007.
"Making Legacy Services Highly-Available with OpenAIS: An Experience Report",
Third International Service Availability Symposium (ISAS 2006), vol. 4328, Helsinki, Finland, Springer, pp. 206–216, 2006.
"Adaptive Graph Pattern Matching for Model Transformations using Model-sensitive Search Plans",
GraMot 2005, International Workshop on Graph and Model Transformations, vol. 152: Elsevier, pp. 191–205, 2006.
"Applying a Model Transformation Taxonomy to Graph Transformation Technology",
GraMot 2005, International Workshop on Graph and Model Transformations, vol. 152: Elsevier, pp. 143–159, 2006.
"Incremental Graph Pattern Matching: Data Structures and Initial Experiments",
Graph and Model Transformation (GraMoT 2006), vol. 4: EASST, 2006.
"Dependability Modeling Using Aspect Weaving Techniques",
Dependable Computing - EDCC 2005, Berlin ; Heidelberg, Springer, pp. 77 - 78, 2005.
"Status and Actual Risk Monitoring in a NPP Reactor Protection System",
Probabilistic safety assessment and management. Proceedings of thje PSAM7 - ESREL'04 Conference, Berlin, Springer, pp. 2654 - 2659, 2004.
UT: 000223579900425
"UML Based Design of Time Triggered Systems",
Proceedings of The 7th IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-time Distributed Computing (ISORC-2004): IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 60 - 63, 2004.
"UML Based Visual Design of Embedded Systems",
Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS'04), pp. 115 - 120, 2004.
"Quantitative Analysis of Uml Statechart Models of Dependable Systems",
COMPUTER JOURNAL, vol. 45, issue 3, pp. 260 - 277, 2002.
"A Formal Semantics of UML Statecharts by Model Transition Systems",
Proc. ICGT 2002: 1st International Conference on Graph Transformation, vol. 2505, Barcelona, Spain, Springer-Verlag, pp. 378–392, October 7–12, 2002.
"Graph Transformation with Time: Causality and Logical Clocks",
Proc. ICGT 2002: 1st International Conference on Graph Transformation, vol. 2505, Barcelona, Spain, Springer-Verlag, pp. 120–134, October 7–12, 2002.
"Automatic Program Generation for and by Model Transformation Systems",
Proc. AGT 2002: Workshop on Applied Graph Transformation, Grenoble, France, pp. 161–173, April 12–13, 2002.
"Object Oriented Notation for Modelling Quantitative Aspects",
Workshop Proceedings of the International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2002), Berlin, VDE Verlag GmbH, pp. 91 - 100, 2002.
"UML - Extensions for Quantitative Analysis",
Proc. of UML 2000 Workshop: Dynamic Behaviour in UML Models: Semantic Questions, München, LMU-München, Institut für Informatik, pp. 70 - 75, 2000.
"Quantitative Evaluation of Dependability Critical Systems Based on Guarded Statechart Models",
Proc. Fourth IEEE Int. Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE'99): IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 37 - 45, 1999.
"Transformation of Guarded Statecharts for Quantitative Evaluation of Dependable Embedded Systems",
Proc. 10th European Workshop on Dependable Computing (EWDC-10): Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, pp. 143 - 187, 1999.