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Aznaveh, M., Chen, J., Davis, T. A., Hegyi, B., Kolodziej, S. P., Mattson, T. G., and Szárnyas, G., "Parallel GraphBLAS with OpenMP", SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing (CSC) co-located with the SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP), Seattle, WA, SIAM, 2020.
Antal, B., Bondavalli, A., Csertán, G., Majzik, I., and Simoncini, L., "Reachability and Timing Analysis in Data Flow Networks: A Case Study", Proceedings of the 22nd EUROMICRO Conference: IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 193 - 200, 1996.
de Almeida, D P., Graics, B., Chagas, R A J., de Sousa, F L., and Mattiello-Francisco, F., "Towards Simulation of CubeSat Operational Scenarios under a Cyber-Physical Systems View", 10th Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing (LADC 2021), Florianópolis, Brazil, IEEE, 11/2021.
Ádám, Z., Sallai, G., and Hajdu, Á., "Gazer-Theta: LLVM-based Verifier Portfolio with BMC/CEGAR (Competition Contribution)", Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, vol. 12652: Springer, 2021. Abstract
Abdeen, H., Varró, D., Sahraoui, H., Nagy, A S., Hegedüs, Á., Horváth, Á., and Debreceni, C., "Multi-Objective Optimization in Rule-Based Design Space Exploration", 29th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2014), Vasteras, Sweden, IEEE, 9/2014. Abstract