Filters: First Letter Of Last Name is B [Clear All Filters]
"Diagnostics of coordinate components of purposeful arm movements of a human.",
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"Distributed graph queries over models@run.time for runtime monitoring of cyber-physical systems",
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 09/2019.
"Diversity of Graph Models and Graph Generators in Mutation Testing",
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"EMF-IncQuery: An Integrated Development Environment for Live Model Queries",
Science of Computer Programming, vol. 98, issue 1, 02/2015.
"Enforcing fine-grained access control for secure collaborative modelling using bidirectional transformations",
Software and Systems Modeling, 2017.
"Experimental Assessment of Combining Pattern Matching Strategies with VIATRA2",
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, vol. 12, issue 3-4, pp. 211-230, 2010.
"Extensions to the CEGAR Approach on Petri Nets",
Acta Cybernetica, vol. 21, issue 3, pp. 417, 08/2014.
"Formal Validation of Domain-Specific Languages with Derived Features and Well-Formedness Constraints",
International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling, 07/2015.
"The Future is Big Graphs! A Community View on Graph Processing Systems",
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"Implementation of a testing and diagnostic concept for an NPP reactor protection system",
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"Improving Saturation-based Bounded Model Checking",
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"Industrial applications of the PetriDotNet modelling and analysis tool",
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"Integrált irányítási alkalmazások járműrendszerekben.",
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"Model Transformation by Example Using Inductive Logic Programming",
Software and Systems Modeling, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 347-364, 2009.
"The Model Transformation Language of the VIATRA2 Framework",
Science of Computer Programming, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 214–234, October, 2007.
"On The Extension And Applicability of The P-graph Modeling Paradigm to System-level Diagnostic Problems",
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"Optimization in Graph Transformation Systems Using Petri Net Based Techniques",
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Selected papers of Workshop on Petri Nets and Graph Transformations
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"PLC Program Translation for Verification Purposes",
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UT: A1997WM04500008L3: citeulike-article-id:3911659KW: system-level diagnosis
ISSN 0167-8191
Special issue: distributed and parallel systems: environments and tools
"Road to a reactive and incremental model transformation platform: three generations of the VIATRA framework",
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"Scalable Modeling Technologies in the Wild: An Experience Report on Wind Turbines Control Applications Development",
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"Secure Views for Collaborative Modeling",
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