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Gáspár, P., Szászi, I., Bartha, T., Varga, I., Bokor, J., Palkovics, L., and Gianone, L., "Visual lane and obstruction detection system for commercial vehicles", 4th IFAC symposium on fault detection supervision and safety for technical processes. SAFEPROCESS 2000. Preprints, Budapest, vol. 2: IFAC, pp. 908–913, 06.14–06.16., 2000.
Varró, D., Varró, G., and Pataricza, A., "Visual Graph Transformation in System Verification", DDECS 2000 International IEEE Workshop on the Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, Bratislava, Slovakia, pp. 137–141, April 5–7, 2000. Abstract
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Micskei, Z., Majzik, I., and Tam, F., "Robustness Testing Techniques For High Availability Middleware Solutions", Proc. of International Workshop on Engineering of Fault Tolerant Systems (EFTS2006): University of Luxembourg, pp. 55 - 66, 2006.
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Bergmann, G., Molnár, M., Gönczy, L., and Cousin, B., "Optimal Period Length for the CGS Sensor Network Scheduling Algorithm", International conference on Networking and Services: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 192-199, 2010.
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Micskei, Z., Konnerth, R-A., Horváth, B., Semeráth, O., Vörös, A., and Varró, D., "On Open Source Tools for Behavioral Modeling and Analysis with fUML and Alf", 1st Workshop on Open Source Software for Model Driven Engineering, Valencia, 2014.
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Gönczy, L., and Varró, D., "Modeling Reliable Messaging in Service Oriented Architecture", International Workshop on Web Services –- Modeling and Testing, Palermo, Italy, June, 2006. Abstract