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Majzik, I., Micskei, Z., and Pintér, G., "Development of Model Based Tools to Support the Design of Railway Control Applications", Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, pp. 430 - 435, 2007.
Majzik, I., and Domokos, P., "Aspect-Oriented Modelling and Analysis of Information Systems", PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 51, issue 1-2, pp. 21 - 31, 2007.
Majzik, I., "TCP/IP on top of TTP/C", Proc. NextTTA Workshop on the Integration of Event-Triggered and Time-Triggered Services, Grenoble, pp. 55 - 67, 2002.
Majzik, I., and Bondavalli, A., "Automatic Dependability Modeling of Systems Described in UML", Proc. 9th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'98), pp. 29 - 30, 1998.
Majzik, I., and Huszerl, G., "Towards dependability modeling of FT-CORBA architectures", LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 2485, pp. 121 - 139, 2002. Abstract
Majzik, I., and Pataricza, A., "Control Flow Checking in Multitasking Systems", PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 39, issue 1, pp. 27 - 36, 1995.
Majzik, I., Semeráth, O., Hajdu, C., Marussy, K., Szatmári, Z., Micskei, Z., Vörös, A., Babikian, A. A., and Varró, D., "Towards System-Level Testing with Coverage Guarantees for Autonomous Vehicles", IEEE / ACM 22nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS): IEEE, 2019.
New Ideas and Vision Track
Majzik, I., Pataricza, A., Hohl, W., Hönig, J., and Sieh, V., "A High-Speed Watchdog Processor for Multitasking Systems", Proc. Eighth Symposium on Microcomputer and Microprocessor Applications (uP'94): HTE, pp. 65 - 74, 1994.
Majzik, I., Pintér, G., and Kovács, P T., "UML Based Design of Time Triggered Systems", Proceedings of The 7th IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-time Distributed Computing (ISORC-2004): IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 60 - 63, 2004.
Majzik, I., and Péceli, G., "Idő- és eseményvezérelt kommunikáció beágyazott számítógépes rendszerekben", ELEKTROTECHNIKA, vol. 97, issue Tudományos különszám, pp. 19 - 22, 2004.
Majzik, I., Jávorszky, J., Pataricza, A., and Selényi, E., "Concurrent Error Detection of Program Execution Based on Statechart Specification", Proc. 10th European Workshop on Dependable Computing (EWDC-10): Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, pp. 181 - 185, 1999.
Majzik, I., Hohl, W., Pataricza, A., and Sieh, V., "Multiprocessor Checking Using Watchdog Processors", COMPUTER SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, vol. 11, issue 5, pp. 301 - 310, 1996. Abstract
Majzik, I., "Software Diagnosis Using Compressed Signature Sequences", PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 40, issue 2, pp. 87 - 103, 1996.
Majzik, I., Pataricza, A., Dal Cin, M., Hohl, W., Hönig, J., and Sieh, V., "Hierarchical Checking of Multiprocessors Using Watchdog Processors", Dependable Computing - EDCC-1, Berlin ; Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, pp. 386 - 403, 1994.
Majzik, I., Pintér, G., and Kovács, P T., "UML Based Visual Design of Embedded Systems", Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS'04), pp. 115 - 120, 2004.
Majzik, I., and Jávorszky, J., "Formal Verification of Fault Tolerance Techniques in UML", Dependable Computing - EDCC-3, Fast Abstracts: Czech Technical University, pp. 19 - 20, 1999.
Majzik, I., "Software Monitoring and Debugging Using Compressed Signature Sequences", Proceedings of the 22nd EUROMICRO Conference: IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 311 - 318, 1996.
Majzik, I., and Pataricza, A., "Többprocesszoros rendszerek ellenőrzése watchdog processzorok felhasználásával", XIV. Tudományos Ülésszak, Kandó Kálmán Műszaki Főiskola, pp. - , 1994.
Magyar, M., and Majzik, I., "Modular Construction of Dependability Models from System Architecture Models: A Tool-Supported Approach", Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on the Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST 2009), pp. 95 - 96, 2009.
Maginecz, J., and Szárnyas, G., "Sharded Joins for Scalable Incremental Graph Queries", Proceedings of the 23rd PhD Mini-Symposium, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, 2016.
Madeira, H., and Majzik, I., "From assessment to standardised benchmarking: Will it happen? What could we do about it?", Proc. 39th IEEE/IFIP Symposium on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2009), pp. 295 - 296, 2009.