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Varró, G., Varró, D., and Schürr, A., "Incremental Graph Pattern Matching: Data Structures and Initial Experiments", Graph and Model Transformation (GraMoT 2006), vol. 4: EASST, 2006. Abstract
Pap, Z., Majzik, I., Pataricza, A., and Szegi, A., "Methods of Checking General Safety Criteria in Uml Statechart Specifications", RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, vol. 87, issue 1, pp. 89 - 107, 2005. Abstract
Polgár, B., Selényi, E., and Bartha, T., "On The Extension And Applicability of The P-graph Modeling Paradigm to System-level Diagnostic Problems", SCALABLE COMPUTING PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE, vol. 6, issue 2, pp. 45 - 57, 2005.
Varró, G., Schürr, A., and Varró, D., "Benchmarking for Graph Transformation", Proc. IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 05), Dallas, Texas, USA, IEEE Press, pp. 79–88, September, 2005. Abstract
Acceptance rate: 31%
Domokos, P., and Majzik, I., "Design and Analysis of Fault Tolerant Architectures by Model Weaving", Proc. Ninth IEEE Int. Symposium on High-Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE-05): IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 15 - 24, 2005.
Balogh, A., Varró, G., Varró, D., and Pataricza, A., "Model-Based Optimization of Enterprise Application and Service Deployment", Second International Service Availability Symposium, ISAS 2005, Berlin, Germany, April 25-26, vol. 3694: Springer, pp. 84–98, 2005. Abstract
Varró, G., Schürr, A., and Varró, D., Benchmarking for Graph Transformation, , no. TUB-TR-05-EE17: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, March, 2005.
Varró, D., and Pataricza, A., "Generic and Meta-Transformations for Model Transformation Engineering", Proc. UML 2004: 7th International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language, vol. 3273, Lisbon, Portugal, Springer, pp. 290–304, October 10–15, 2004. Abstract
Acceptance rate: 22%
Varga, I., Bartha, T., Szabo, G., and Kiss, B., "Status and Actual Risk Monitoring in a NPP Reactor Protection System", Probabilistic safety assessment and management. Proceedings of thje PSAM7 - ESREL'04 Conference, Berlin, Springer, pp. 2654 - 2659, 2004.
UT: 000223579900425
Gyapay, S., Schmidt, Á., and Varró, D., "Joint Optimization and Reachability Analysis in Graph Transformation Systems with Time", Proc. GT-VMT 2004, International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modelling Techniques, vol. 109: Elsevier, pp. 137-147, 2004. Abstract
Rensink, A., Schmidt, Á., and Varró, D., "Model Checking Graph Transformations: A Comparison of Two Approaches", Proc. ICGT 2004: Second International Conference on Graph Transformation, vol. 3256, Rome, Italy, Springer, pp. 226–241, 2004. Abstract
Polgár, B., and Selényi, E., "Probabilistic Diagnostics With P-graphs", ACTA CYBERNETICA-SZEGED, vol. 16, issue 2, pp. 279 - 291, 2003.
Schmidt, Á., and Varró, D., "CheckVML: A Tool for Model Checking Visual Modeling Languages", Proc. UML 2003: 6th International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language, vol. 2863, San Francisco, CA, USA, Springer, pp. 92–95, October 20-24, 2003. Abstract
Acceptance rate: 15%
Baresi, L., Heckel, R., Thöne, S., and Varró, D., "Modeling and Analysis of Architectural Styles Based on Graph Transformation", The 6th ICSE Workshop on Component Based Software Engineering: Automated Reasoning and Prediction, Portland, Oregon, USA, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, and Monash University, Australia, pp. 67–72, May 3-4, 2003. Abstract
Pintér, G., and Majzik, I., "Automatic Code Generation Based on Formally Analyzed UML Statechart Models", Formal Methods for Railway Operation and Control Systems, Budapest, L'Harmattan Kiadó, pp. 45 - 52, 2003.
Pataricza, A., Majzik, I., Huszerl, G., and Várnai, G., "UML-based Design and Formal Analysis of a Safety-Critical Railway Control Software Module", Formal Methods for Railway Operation and Control Systems, Budapest, L'Harmattan Kiadó, pp. 125 - 132, 2003.
Domokos, P., and Varró, D., "An Open Visualization Framework for Metamodel-Based Modeling Languages", Proc. GraBaTs 2002, International Workshop on Graph-Based Tools, vol. 72 (2), no. 2, Barcelona, Spain, Elsevier, pp. 78–87, October 7–8, 2002. Abstract
Salamon, G., Varró, D., and Pataricza, A., "Formal Verification of Model Transformation Systems", EDCC 2002: Fourth European Dependable Computing Conference: Fast Abstracts, Toulouse, France, pp. 15–16, October 23–25, 2002.
Polgár, B., and Selényi, E., "Efficiency of P-graph Based Syndrome Decoding", Proceedings of DDECS2002, The 5th IEEE Design And Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems Workshop, pp. 374 - 377, 2002.
Polgár, B., Bartha, T., and Selényi, E., "Modeling Uncertainty In System-level Fault Diagnosis Using Process Graphs", Proc. of DAPSYS 2002, 4th Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Processing: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 195 - 202, 2002.
Polgár, B., and Selényi, E., "Probabilistic Diagnostics With P-graphs", Proc. of CSCS2002, The Third Conference of Phd Students in Computer Science, pp. 82 - , 2002.
Bondavalli, A., Dal Cin, M., Latella, D., Majzik, I., Pataricza, A., and Savoia, G., "Dependability Analysis in The Early Phases of Uml-based System Design", COMPUTER SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, vol. 16, issue 5, pp. 265 - 275, 2001. Abstract