Filters: First Letter Of Last Name is T [Clear All Filters]
"Stochastic Simulation of Graph Transformation Systems",
Proc. of FASE2010, Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 2010.
"Stochastic Graph Transformation with Regions",
Electronic Communications of the EASST, Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques, vol. 29, 2010.
"Theta: a Framework for Abstraction Refinement-Based Model Checking",
Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, Vienna, Austria, FMCAD Inc., pp. 176–179, 2017.
"K-induction based verification of real-time safety critical systems.",
Conference on Dependability and Complex Systems DepCoS-RELCOMEX, Brunów, Poland, Springer International Publishing, 2013.
"Lazy Reachability Checking for Timed Automata using Interpolants",
Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems, vol. 10419: Springer, pp. 264–280, 2017.
"Verification of a Real-Time Safety-Critical Protocol Using a Modelling Language with Formal Data and Behaviour Semantics",
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, vol. 8696: Springer International Publishing, pp. 207-218, 2014.
"Model-Level Automatic Test Generation for UML Statecharts",
Proc. 6th IEEE Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS 2003), Poznan, Poland, pp. 293–294, April 14–16, 2003.
"Lazy Reachability Checking for Timed Automata with Discrete Variables",
Model Checking Software, SPIN 2018, vol. 10869: Springer, pp. 235-254, 2018.
"A Decomposition Method for the Verification of a Real-Time Safety-Critical Protocol",
Software Engineering for Resilient Systems, vol. 9274: Springer International Publishing, pp. 31-45, 09/15, 2015.