
Three papers accepted at MODELS 2014

Three papers by our research group have been accepted at the MODELS 2014 (ACM/IEEE Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems) scientific conference, the top international forum for model-driven software engineering. Read more »

Interview with our former student in the german Eclipse Magazine

The german Eclipse Magazin has published an interview with our former student, Donát Csikós, who is now working at CERN. Among a lot of interesting details about his job, he also mentioned our research group and the EMF-IncQuery project. The online version can be found at the following links: german original, english translation by Google. Read more »

Presentation of EMF-IncQuery at EclipseCon Europe 2012

Representing our research group, Dr. István Ráth has presented the new version of our open source incremental model query framework called EMF-IncQuery at EclipseCon Europe 2012, intended for industrial applications. As an acknowledgement of our work, Ed Merks (the creator of the de-facto industry standard Eclipse Modeling Framework) has lauded EMF-IncQuery as one of the most significant innovations of recent times. Read more »

Presentations at the MODELS 2012 conference

Representing our research group, Dániel Varró and Ábel Hegedüs presented at the MODELS 2012 (International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages & Systems) conference and the AMT 2012 (Workshop on Analysis of Model Transformations) workshop, held in Innsbruck.

Presentation at the ECMFA 2012 conference

Representing our research group, Ábel Hegedüs presented the new use case of the EMF-IncQuery incremental model query engine for integrating queries into efficient derived features in EMF at the ECMFA 2012 (European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications) conference, held in Kgs. Lyngby.

Presentation at the TOOLS 2012 conference

Representing our research group, Dr. István Ráth has presented the newest version of the EMF-IncQuery incremental model query tool at the 50th TOOLS Europe International Conference on Objects, Models, Components, Patterns held in Prague. Read more »

ACM Distinguished Paper Award at IEEE/ACM International Conference On Automated Software Engineering 2011 conference

Between November 6-12, Lawrence, Kansas (US) hosted the 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference
On Automated Software Engineering
(ASE '11), which is one of the most widely accepted and respected scientific forum on software and systems engineering. Read more »

EMF-IncQuery paper presented at ICMT 2011 in Zürich

Spanning from 27 June to 1 July, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich (ETH) hosted the newest installment of the TOOLS Conference Series. This scientific event of world-wide importance encompassed four conferences (ICMT, TAP, SC, TOOLS Europe) and eight tematic workshops.

ICMT 2011, held at 27-28 June, featured a paper on the topic of EMF-IncQuery by researchers from our group. The corresponding talk was given by Gábor Bergmann on 27 June, and was received with interest, sparking debate that pointed towards interesting new research directions. Read more »

EMF-IncQuery tutorial on the EC-MFA 2011 conference

Representing our research group, István Ráth has presented a tutorial on EMF-IncQuery at the Seventh European Conference on Modeling Foundations and Applications in Birmingham. The tutorial has covered basics, practical applications, novel features and fresh developments of the IncQuery technology, and has been exceptionally well received by the enthusiastic audience. Our industrial partners in the SecureChange project have expressed their interest in evaluating IncQuery for industrial applications. Read more »

VIATRA2 Release 3.2 and EMF-IncQuery 0.3 (first public release) available

The VIATRA2 Development Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of the newest version of the VIATRA2 Model Transformation Framework, Release 3.2. This version contains important bugfixes, as well as all-round enhancements. Details can be found on the release notes page. Read more »

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