SecureChange meeting and ATM workshop in Rome

  This week in Rome, the SecureChange EU research project had one of the most important meetings of its third year, preceded by a lesser scale industrial validation event.

  On Monday and Tuesday, DeepBlue consulting&research invited project members involved in the Air Traffic Management (ATM) case study to its Rome office, where relevant results of the project were presented in front of industrial experts with air traffic and flight security backgrounds. One of the showcased prototypes was the SeCMER tool of work package WP3, based on the EMF-IncQuery technology developed at our research group. The interactive programme of the workshop, aiming to gather industrial feedback, provided valuable operational experience. Our department was represented by Gábor Bergmann at this event. Read more »

EMF-IncQuery tutorial on the EC-MFA 2011 conference

Representing our research group, István Ráth has presented a tutorial on EMF-IncQuery at the Seventh European Conference on Modeling Foundations and Applications in Birmingham. The tutorial has covered basics, practical applications, novel features and fresh developments of the IncQuery technology, and has been exceptionally well received by the enthusiastic audience. Our industrial partners in the SecureChange project have expressed their interest in evaluating IncQuery for industrial applications. Read more »

Successful close of MOGENTES project

The MOGENTES ('Model-based Generation of Tests for Dependable Embedded Systems') consortium successfully presented the results achieved during its three years to the reviewers and to the EU officier on May 26, 2011 and was characterized as an "excellent project" .

Our group contributed to the success with the followings: integration of UPPAAL based test case generation for real-time systems with UML modelling, development of general tool integration framework, coordination of the integration of different tools into a coherent test generation framework, ontology based verification of models and determination of model metrics to tailor the test case generation process. Read more »

Presentation at the Internet of Things conference

Prof. Dr András Pataricza participated at the high level Internet of Things conference in Budapest,  which was jointly organized by  the European Commission and the Hungarian Innovation Office, as part of the program of the Hungarian EU Presidency on May 16, 2011. Read more »

Presentation at the Software Testing conference

Zoltán Micskei and Dr. Balázs Polgár have presented an overview about model based testing and the results of the MOGENTES EU FP7 project at the IIR Technical Conference "Software Testing - Interactive Forum" held in Budapest with strong industrial participation. The new model based test case generation tools developed in the MOGENTES project have been outlined and the experiences gained during their application to industrial automotive and railway demonstrators have been summarized.

CERN Technical Student scholarship awarded to our MSc student

Our MSc Student, Donát Csikós has just won a scholarship to CERN Switzerland, where he is going to spend 12 month as a "Technical Student". He will be part of the team that manages the complex software systems of the measurement equipment, and their evolving dependencies. One key point in his success was his knowledge of static code analysis techniques that he learned in our Formal Methods course.


VIATRA2 Release 3.2 and EMF-IncQuery 0.3 (first public release) available

The VIATRA2 Development Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of the newest version of the VIATRA2 Model Transformation Framework, Release 3.2. This version contains important bugfixes, as well as all-round enhancements. Details can be found on the release notes page. Read more »

Participation at the e-Freight WP2 technical meeting in Innsbruck

Work package 2 of the e-Freight EU project held its technical meeting in Innsbruck on March 9-11, 2011. Prof. András Pataricza, Lászlő Gönczy and András Kövi represented our group at the meeting.  The objective of the event was to clarify the status and next steps for the development of the e-Freight platform and framewok. Our group presented the ontology-based design methodology, currently being developed, and placed it into context in the project.

The image shows the Axamer Lizum ski site which is about 20 minutes drive from Innsbruck.


Presentation on an industrial research project of the department is on-line available

The DMIS of BME in cooperation with Optxware Ltd. elaborated an algorithm for the prediction of production at  IBM Data Storage Systems based on historical order data complemented  with a simulation and impact analysis envronment for evaluating production optimization solutions.

Participation at the General Assembly of the SecureChange EU research project in Innsbruck

The General Assembly concluding the second year of the SecureChange EU research project was held between 18-20 of January 2011 at the University of Innsbruck. Our research group was represented by dr. Dániel Varró and Gábor Bergmann. The participating partners summarized their results achieved during the second year of the project, initiated the discussion on the plans for validation activities, agreed on next years's cooperation and integration strategy, and continued the preparations for April's review hearings. Our group presented a demonstrator prototype that showcases the tools and techniques of WP3, with EMF-IncQuery as the underling technology.

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