PhD Student,
MSc in Software Engineering
- Address
- H1117 Budapest, Magyar Tudósok krt. 2., BUTE building I, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, room IB414
- Email
- marton.bur [at]
- Phone
- +3614633579
- Homepage
Research areas:
Local search-based graph pattern matching
Algorithm adaptation and integration to the VIATRA framework
Model-driven software development
Massif: an integration framework between Matlab-Simulink and Eclipse
Project involvements:
MoDeS3: Model-based Demonstrator for Smart and Safe Systems
VIATRA: VIsual Automated model TRAnsformations. It is an official project maintained by the Eclipse foundation.
MONDO: this project aims to develop model-based development tools that are able to tackle scalability needs in MDE
TRANS-IMA: Application of MDE for avionics system design (Cooperative research with Embraer)