PhD Student,
MSc in Computer Science Engineering
- Address
- H-1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2., Building I, Room B.417.
- Email
- farkasr [at]
- Phone
- 36 1 463-3579
- Homepage
Research areas
Formal methods
Reachability analysis of Petri-Nets
Verification of timed systems
Counterexample guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR)
Abstract interpretation
Benchmarks of modelchecking algorithms
Simulation and verification of cyber-physical systems
Verification of hybrid systems
Automaton learning-based monitoring of timed systems
Adaptive simulation step size control
Complex event processing
Rebeka Farkas on ResearchGate
Further scientific activity
Education (teaching)
Subjects of the department
System modeling
Critical embedded systems
Formal methods
Other subjects
Languages and automata
Introduction to computing theory
Theory of algorithms
Combinatorial optimization (Aquincum Institute of Technology)
ProProgressio award for the best Master's thesis 2017
1st prize for the report in the Scientific Students' Association Conference 2016
Best MSc presentation award at the PhD symposium of the department 2016