Dániel Varró
Professor, PhD, habil. DSc
- Address
- Magyar tudosok krt. 2. H-1117 Budapest Hungary
- varro [at] mit.bme.hu
- Phone
- +36-1-463-3586
- Fax
- +36-1-463-2667
- Homepage
- https://inf.mit.bme.hu/en/members/varro
Short CV
Dániel Varró is a full professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and a Research Chair of MTA-BME Lendület Research Group on Cyber-Physical Systems. His main research interest is model-driven software and systems engineering. He regularly serves on the programme committee of various international conferences in the field like MODELS, ASE, FASE and ICMT and serves on the editorial board of the Software and Systems Modeling journal (Springer). He was a programme committee co-chair of FASE 2013, ICMT 2014 and SLE 2016 conferences. He delivered a keynote talk at IEEE CSMR 2012, SOFSEM 2016 conferences and at various international workshops (including VOLT 2013, GT-VMT 2014, CloudMDE 2014). He is a founder of the VIATRA2 model transformation tool and the EMF-IncQuery open source model query framework, and the principal investigator at his university of the SENSORIA, DIANA, SecureChange and MONDO European Projects. He is a three time recipient of the IBM Faculty Award. Previously, he was a visiting researcher at SRI International, at the University of Paderborn and twice at TU Berlin. In 2014, he was as a visiting professor at McGill University and Université de Montréal.
Research Interests
- model transformations (VIATRA2 framework)
- distributed and incremental model queries (EMF-IncQuery framework and MONDO project)
- graph transformation
- metamodelling, domain specific modeling languages
- development of Eclipse based design tools
- collaborative and secure modeling environments (MONDO project)
- formal validation of domain-specific languages
- traceability over heterogeneous design tools
- certification of development tools and model transformations for critical systems
Honors and Awards
- Research Chair of MTA Lendület 2015 research programl
- 2014: 10-year Most Influential Paper Award (IEEE/ACM MODELS 2014)
- 2014: Best Paper Award (IEEE CSMR-WCRE 2014 Software Evolution Week)
- 2013: Springer Best Paper Award: (MODELS 2013: The 16th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems)
- 2011: ACM Distinguished Paper Award (ASE 2011: 26th International IEEE Conference on Automated Software Engineering)
2010-2013: János Bolyai Scholarship (Design and Analysis Techniques for the Certification of Model Transformations)
- National Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for young scholars.
2009: Distinguished Tutor
- Bi-annual award for the supervision of MSc students carrying out early research; 3 awardees in Computer Science biannually requires 10 years of successful tutoring; I became the youngest ever awardee.
- 2009: Springer Best Paper Award and ACM Distinguished Paper Award (MODELS The 12th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Model Driven Engineering 2009: Languages and Systems)
- 2005-2008: János Bolyai Scholarship (Design and Analysis Techniques for Automated Model Transformations)
2003: János Kemény Prize (John von Neumann Computer Society)
- An annual award in Hungary for young scholars.
Ten Selected Publications
- D. Varró, G. Varró, A. Pataricza. Designing the Automatic Transformation of Visual Languages. Science of Computer Programming 44 (2002) 205-227, Citations: 127
- D. Varró and A. Balogh, “The model transformation language of the VIATRA2 framework,”Science of Computer Programming, vol. 68, pp. 214–234, October 2007. IF: 0.832, Citations: 85.
- D. Varró and A. Pataricza. VPM: A visual, precise and multilevel metamodeling framework for describing mathematical domains and UML. ”Software and Systems Modeling, vol. 2, pp. 187–210, October 2003. Citations: 77
- D. Varró. Automated formal verification of visual modeling languages by model checking. ”Software and Systems Modeling, vol. 3, pp. 85–113, 2004. Citations: 89
- L. Baresi, R. Heckel, S. Thöne, and D. Varró, “Modeling and analysis of architectural styles,” in Proc ESEC 2003: 9th European Software Engineering Conference(P. Inverardi and J. Paakki, eds.), (Helsinki, Finland), pp. 68–77, ACM Press, September 2003. Acceptance rate = 20%, Citations: 131.
- D. Varró, “Model transformation by example,” in Proc. Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2006), vol. 4199 of LNCS, (Genova, Italy), pp. 410–424, Springer, 2006. Acceptance rate = 29%, Citations: 75.
- D.Varró and A.Pataricza, “Generic and meta-transformations for model transformation engineering,” in Proc. UML 2004: 7th International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language(T. Baar, A. Strohmeier, A. Moreira, and S. Mellor, eds.), vol. 3273 of LNCS, (Lisbon, Portugal), pp. 290–304, Springer, October 10–15 2004. Acceptance rate = 22%, Citations: 98.
- I. Ráth, G. Varró, and D. Varró, “Change-driven model transformations,” inModel Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 12th International Conference, MODELS 2009, Denver, CO, USA, October 4-9, 2009. Proceedings(A. Schürr and B. Selic, eds.), vol. 5795 of LNCS, pp. 342–356, Springer, 2009. Acceptance rate: 18%, Springer Best Paper Award and ACM Distinguished Paper Award.
- Á. Hegedüs, Á. Horváth, I. Ráth, and D. Varró, “A model-driven framework for guided design space exploration,” in 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2011), (P. Alexander, C. S. Pasareanu, and J. G. Hosking, eds.), (Lawrence, KS, USA), pp. 173–182, IEEE, 2011. Acceptance rate: 16%,ACM Distinguished Paper Award.
- Zoltán Balogh and Dániel Varró. Model transformation by example using inductive logic programming. Software and Systems Modeling, 8(3) :347–364, 2009,