MONDO project awarded Excellent rating
Among other academic and industrial partners, our research group has participated in the EU FP7 international scientific cooperation MONDO. After research activities were concluded, the final review of the project was held on the 10th of June in Brussels, where participants - among them Dániel Varró and Gábor Bergmann representing BME - presented project results to the reviewers appointed by the EU. According to the final evaluation, MONDO partners have displayed effective cooperation and significant scientific progress, earning an excellent rating for the project.
MONDO is an EU research project of 30 months aiming at improving the scalability of Model-driven Engineering (MDE) - including computational performance of tools as well as organizational challenges of coordinating large collaborative MDE workflows.
Our research group was involved in several working groups of MONDO, out of which the most significant contribution was made to Work Package 4, investigating the theoretical and practical issues of collaborative MDE processes. During the course of the project, we have developed a prototype collaborative framework (see screencast) offering various improvements over previously available collaborative solutions:
- support for collaborative modeling in offline (integrated with version control systems, based on version histories) and online (via a web-based modeling interface) interaction scenarios
- fine-grained access control and locking of models concisely specified in a rule language
- automated support for conflict resolution and merging changes
We have conducted an in-house evaluation of the prototype; furthermore, one of the industrial partners has carried out an analysis of the framework on their premises, confirming the promising properties of the included innovations.
Further results of the reseach group, achieved with the funding of MONDO, include improvements to the VIATRA model transformation framework, and the IncQuery-D distributed query evaluation prototype.