A framework for the Dependability analysis of UML-based system designs with maintenance
Title | A framework for the Dependability analysis of UML-based system designs with maintenance |
Publication Type | Thesis |
Year of Publication | 2009 |
Authors | Hegedüs, Á. |
Date Published | 05/2009 |
University | Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
Thesis Type | masters |
Abstract | In this document a novel framework is defined which can automatically generate models for dependability analysis of annotated UML-based systems. The method is capable of dealing with the dependability properties of the system component along with the maintenance policies and activities defined for the system. Developers of complex systems today use modeling languages like UML to specify, document and visualize the requirements, functionality and behavior of their product. Often extension or profiles are used to grasp the characteristics of domain-specific systems. Furthermore the non-functional properties such as availability or fault-tolerance are important especially in embedded and real-time systems hence the quantitative evaluation of these properties are required at design-time. However evaluation can only be carried out on precise mathematical models the creation of which is not trivial and needs a modeling expert with insight to both the developed system or its specification language and the mathematical formalism used for the dependability models. In order to relieve the developer from the tiresome and error-prone task of model creation new methods have to be created to bridge the huge gap between the specification and dependability models. The method defined in this document provides automatic dependability model generation through the usage of a novel UML profile. This profile extends the industry standard MARTE profile which is widely used for the development of embedded and real-time systems with the concepts of maintenance and monitoring. Additionally the Service-Oriented Profile is extended by defining new characteristics for the non-functional service-contracts and thus the method provides support for the dependability evaluation of systems with service-oriented architecture.
The defined method is implemented in the Eclipse-based VIATRA model transformation framework which provides tools for creating the metamodels and transformation definitions required for the automatic model generation from the annotated UML models. The method was created according to the Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) paradigm and involves an intermediate model that acts as a transition between the specification and dependability models. Both the use of the VIATRA framework and the embracing of the MDA paradigm assures the possibility of future extensions.
URL | http://home.mit.bme.hu/~hegedusa/assets/publ/Hegedus_UML2DEEM_2009.pdf |