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Németh, E., Bartha, T., Fazekas, C., and Hangos, K. M., "Verification of a primary-to-secondary leaking safety procedure in a nuclear power plant using coloured Petri nets", Reliability Engineering & System Safety, vol. 94, issue 5, pp. 942 - 953, 2009.
UT: 000264542300006
Oláh, J., and Majzik, I., "A Modell Based Framework for Specifying and Executing Fault Injection Experiments.", Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Dependability of Computer Systems., Brunów, Poland, pp. 107-114, June, 2009.
Oláh, J., "Automated Robustness Test Generation using OCL Constraints", Proc. of the 17th PhD Mini-Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, pp. 32-33, February, 2010.
Oláh, J., "Test Data Generation Using Metaheuristics", Proceedings of the 18th PhD Mini-Symposium, Budapest, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, 01/2011.
Paljak, G J., Égel, Z., Tóth, D., Kocsis, I., Kovácsházy, T., and Pataricza, A., "Qualitative performance control in supervised IT infrastructures", Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W), 2010 International Conference on, pp. 59 -65, jun., 2010.
Paljak, G J., Transaction Tracking in Large Scale Datacenters, , no. RZ3743: IBM Zürich Research Laboratory, 2009.
Paljak, G J., Szombath, I., Kocsis, I., Kovácsházy, T., and Pataricza, A., "Model-based Control of IT Infrastructures", 10th International Carpathian Control Conference, pp. 211 -214, 05/2010.
Paljak, G J., Kocsis, I., Égel, Z., Tóth, D., and Pataricza, A., "Sensor Selection for IT Infrastructure Monitoring", Autonomic Computing and Communications Systems, vol. 23: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 130-143, 2010.
Paljak, G J., Benchmarking the Ethernet-Federated Datacenter, , no. RZ3753: IBM Zürich Research Laboratory, 2009.
Pap, Z., Majzik, I., and Pataricza, A., "Checking General Safety Criteria on UML Statecharts", Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, Berlin ; Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, pp. 46 - 55, 2001.
Pap, Z., Majzik, I., Pataricza, A., and Szegi, A., "Completeness and Consistency Analysis of UML Statechart Specifications", Proc. IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems Workshop (DDECS 2001): SZIF-Universitas, pp. 83 - 90, 2001.
Pap, Z., and Varró, D., "Static Safety Analysis of UML Action Semantics for Critical Systems Development", GI Jahrestagung (1), vol. 50: GI, pp. 57-61, September, 2004. Abstract
Pap, Z., Majzik, I., Pataricza, A., and Szegi, A., "Completeness and Consistency Analysis of UML Statechart Specifications", 11th European Workshop on Dependable Computing (EWDC-11), Budapest, pp. 6 - , 2000.
Pap, Z., Majzik, I., Pataricza, A., and Szegi, A., "Methods of Checking General Safety Criteria in Uml Statechart Specifications", RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, vol. 87, issue 1, pp. 89 - 107, 2005. Abstract
Pataricza, A., Majzik, I., Hohl, W., and Hönig, J., "Watchdog Processors in Parallel Systems", MICROPROCESSING AND MICROPROGRAMMING, vol. 39, issue 2-5, pp. 69 - 74, 1993. Abstract
Pataricza, A., Kocsis, I., Salánki, Á., and Gönczy, L., "Empirical Assessment of Resilience", Software Engineering for Resilient Systems, vol. 8166: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Pataricza, A., and Varró, D., Formal Methods in Computing, : {Akadémiai Kiadó, pp. 357–425, 2005.
Pataricza, A., and Salánki, Á., "Ritka események", Intelligens adatelemzés: Typotex Kft., 2014.
Pataricza, A., Varró, D., Majzik, I., Polgár, B., Ráth, I., and Horváth, Á., "Workflow-Driven Tool Integration Using Model Transformation", Graph Transformations and Model Driven Enginering - Essays Dedicated to Manfred Nagl on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday: Springer, pp. 224-248, 2010.
Pintér, G., and Majzik, I., "Abstract Model-based Checkpoint And Recovery", Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of Phd Students in Computer Science, Szeged, University of Szeged, pp. 96 - 97, 2004.
Pintér, G., and Majzik, I., "Run-time Verification of Statechart Implementations", Proceedings of the 12th PhD Mini-Symposium of the Department of Measurement and Information Systems: BME, pp. 46 - 47, 2005.
Pintér, G., and Majzik, I., "Checkpoint And Recovery in Diverse Software", Proceedings of the 11th PhD mini-symposium: Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Measurement and Information Systems, pp. 20 - 21, 2004.
Pintér, G., and Majzik, I., "Modeling and analysis of exception handling by using UML statecharts", LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 3409, pp. 58 - 67, 2005. Abstract