"Status and Actual Risk Monitoring in a NPP Reactor Protection System",
Probabilistic safety assessment and management. Proceedings of thje PSAM7 - ESREL'04 Conference, Berlin, Springer, pp. 2654 - 2659, 2004.
UT: 000223579900425
"Adaptive Graph Pattern Matching for Model Transformations using Model-sensitive Search Plans",
GraMot 2005, International Workshop on Graph and Model Transformations, vol. 152: Elsevier, pp. 191–205, 2006.
"Incremental Graph Pattern Matching: Data Structures and Initial Experiments",
Graph and Model Transformation (GraMoT 2006), vol. 4: EASST, 2006.
"Model Transformation by Example",
Proc. Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2006), vol. 4199, Genova, Italy, Springer, pp. 410–424, 2006.
Acceptance rate: 29%
A Unifying Semantic Framework for Multilevel Metamodelling,
: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, October, 2001.
"Towards the Automated Generation of Consistent, Diverse, Scalable and Realistic Graph Models",
Graph Transformation, Specifications, and Nets (In Memory of Hartmut Ehrig), no. 10800: Springer, 2018.
An XML Schema Description of Graph Transformation Systems,
: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, January, 2001.
Towards an XMI–Based Model Interchange Format for Graph Transformation Systems,
: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, September, 2000.
"VPM: A visual, precise and multilevel metamodeling framework for describing mathematical domains and UML",
Journal of Software and Systems Modeling, vol. 2, no. 3: Springer, pp. 187–210, October, 2003.
"Road to a reactive and incremental model transformation platform: three generations of the VIATRA framework",
Software {&} Systems Modeling, vol. 15, issue 3, no. 3, pp. 609–629, 05/2016.
"Graph Transformations in Relational Databases",
Proc. GraBaTs 2004: International Workshop on Graph Based Tools, Rome, Italy, Elsevier, October, 2004.
In press
"Grafikus nyelvek automatikus transzformációjának tervezése",
Végzõs Konferencia '2000, Budapest, Hungary, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, pp. 454–459, April 26, 2000.
"UML modellek automatikus transzformációi",
OOOK 2002: 5. Országos Objektum-Orientált Konferencia, Dobogókõ, Hungary, October 16–17, 2002.
In Hungarian
"Generic and Meta-Transformations for Model Transformation Engineering",
Proc. UML 2004: 7th International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language, vol. 3273, Lisbon, Portugal, Springer, pp. 290–304, October 10–15, 2004.
Acceptance rate: 22%
"Incremental Queries and Transformations: From Concepts to Industrial Applications",
SOFSEM 2016: Theory and Practice of Computer Science - 42nd International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Harrachov, Czech Republic, January 23-28, 2016, Proceedings, vol. 9587, Harrachov, Czech Republic, Springer, pp. 51–59, 2016.
"UML Based Modeling and Development of J2EE Applications: Course Experiences",
MODELS 2006: Educators Symposium, Genova, Italy, 2006.
"Recursive Graph Pattern Matching: With Magic Sets and Global Search Plans",
Proc. Third International Workshop and Symposium on Applications of Graph Transormation with Industrial Relevance (AGTIVE 2007), vol. 5088: Springer, 2007.
"Automated Program Generation in VIATRA",
Mini–Symposium 2002, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, IEEE Hungary Section (BUTE Student Branch), pp. 34–35, February 4–5, 2002.
"Automated Formal Verification of Visual Modeling Languages by Model Checking",
Journal of Software and Systems Modeling, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 85–113, May, 2004.
"Graph Transformation in Relational Databases",
Journal of Software and Systems Modelling, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 313–341, September, 2006.
"Visual Automated Model Transformation",
Mini–Symposium 2001, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, IEEE Hungary Section (BUTE Student Branch), pp. 48–49, January 31 – Feb, 2001.
Designing the Automatic Transformation of Visual Languages,
, November, 1999.
UML Specification of Model Transformation Systems,
: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, October, 2000.
"UML Action Semantics for Model Transformation Systems",
Periodica Polytechnica, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 167–186, 2003.
"The Model Transformation Language of the VIATRA2 Framework",
Science of Computer Programming, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 214–234, October, 2007.