First assignment consultation

First assignment (Sysml) consultations: 21. Oct. 2014 and 28. Oct. 2014. 16:00-18:00, IL405 laboratory

If you want to participate, please fill these forms:
1. consultation : http://doodle.com/r42tsc33esgqwwt8
2. consultation: http://doodle.com/fn4uprp62cb58azn

The consultations are only held if you indicated here in the doodle forms!

System structure laboratory

The result of the laboratory can be downloaded from the materials section. Also some hints are included for the assignment!

Formal modelling and verification

Next laboratory (on Tuesday, 12. October 2013) will be about formal modelling.

Please download UPPAAL tool (http://www.uppaal.org/) which is free for academic use and bring it to the next lesson (if possible).

Please read the short introduction! You can find it in the Course materials: https://www.inf.mit.bme.hu/en/edu/courses/materials/critical-embedded-sy...



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