Gábor Szárnyas

Szárnyas, G., Bader, D. A., Davis, T. A., Kitchen, J., Mattson, T. G., McMillan, S., and Welch, E., "LAGraph: Linear Algebra, Network Analysis Libraries, and the Study of Graph Algorithms", GrAPL (Workshop on Graphs, Architectures, Programming, and Learning) at IPDPS (International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium: IEEE, 2021.
Elekes, M., and Szárnyas, G., "Incremental view maintenance in graph databases: A case study in Neo4j", Proceedings of the 27th PhD Mini-Symposium: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, 2020.
Elekes, M., and Szárnyas, G., "An incremental GraphBLAS solution for the 2018 TTC Social Media case study", GrAPL (Workshop on Graphs, Architectures, Programming, and Learning) at IPDPS (International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium), 2020.
Aznaveh, M., Chen, J., Davis, T. A., Hegyi, B., Kolodziej, S. P., Mattson, T. G., and Szárnyas, G., "Parallel GraphBLAS with OpenMP", SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing (CSC) co-located with the SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP), Seattle, WA, SIAM, 2020.
Szárnyas, G., Maginecz, J., and Varró, D., "Evaluation of Optimization Strategies for Incremental Graph Queries", Periodica Polytechnica, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 01/2017.
Marton, J., Szárnyas, G., and Varró, D., "Formalising openCypher Graph Queries in Relational Algebra", 21st European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS), Nicosia, Cyprus, Springer, 2017.
Szárnyas, G., "Scalable Graph Query Evaluation and Benchmarking with Realistic Models", ACM SRC Grand Finals, online competition, ACM, 05/2017.
This is not a separate publication, but is based on the MODELS ACM SRC paper of the same title, which won 1st place in 2016. This is a significantly enhanced version, so I recommend reading this paper instead of its predecessor.
Nagy, A S., and Szárnyas, G., "Class Responsibility Assignment Case: a VIATRA-DSE Solution", 9th Transformation Tool Contest, Vienna, Austria, 2016.
Szárnyas, G., "Scalable Graph Query Evaluation and Benchmarking with Realistic Models", ACM/IEEE MODELS conference, ACM Student Research Competition (SRC), sponsored by Microsoft Research, 2016.
Won 1st prize at MODELS SRC 2016. A significantly enhanced version of this paper was submitted to the ACM SRC 2017 grand finals with the same title (see my 2017 publication). I recommend reading that paper instead of this one.
Maginecz, J., and Szárnyas, G., "Sharded Joins for Scalable Incremental Graph Queries", Proceedings of the 23rd PhD Mini-Symposium, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, 2016.
Szárnyas, G., Kővári, Z., Salánki, Á., and Varró, D., "Towards the Characterization of Realistic Models: Evaluation of Multidisciplinary Graph Metrics", ACM/IEEE 19th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MODELS 2016, Saint Malo, France, 2016.
Acceptance rate: 23.7%