Cím | {UML} Specification of Model Transformation Systems |
Közlemény típusa | Miscellaneous |
Kiadás éve | 2000 |
Szerzők | Varró, D., Domokos, P., and Pataricza, A. |
Kiadás dátuma | October |
Kiadó | Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems |
Kiadás nyelve | eng |
Összefoglalás | The design of complex, dependable systems requires a precise formal verification of design decisions during the system modelling phase. For that reason, the mathematical models of various formal verification tools are planned to be automatically derived from the system model usually described by UML-diagrams. In the current paper, a general framework for an automated model transformation system is introduced providing a uniform formal description method of such transformations by applying the powerful computational paradigm of graph transformation. Model transformation rules are constructed in a modular way using a visual UML notation as representation in order to provide a closer correspondence with industrial techniques. |
URL | http://www.inf.mit.bme.hu/FTSRG/Publications/varro/2000/TR-10-2000.pdf |