Varró Dániel
"Integrating Efficient Model Queries in State-of-the-art EMF Tools",
TOOLS Europe 2012, Prague, Springer, 05/2012.
Acceptance rate: 31%
"Dynamic Backward Slicing of Model Transformations",
International Conference on Software Testing and Validation, 2012, Montreal, Canada, IEEE, 04/2012.
Acceptance rate: 27%
"Developing and Visualizing Live Model Queries",
1st Workshop on the Analysis of Model Transformations (AMT) , Innsbruck, Austria, ACM Digital Library, 2012.
"Ontology driven design of EMF metamodels and well-formedness constraints",
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on OCL and Textual Modelling, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 37–42, 2012.
"Incremental Evaluation of Model Queries over EMF Models: A Tutorial on EMF-IncQuery",
Modelling Foundations and Applications, vol. 6698: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 389-390, 2011.
"Methodologies for Model-Driven Development and Deployment: an Overview",
Rigorous Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Systems: Results of the SENSORIA project on Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Computing, no. 6582: Springer-Verlag, 2011.
"SeCMER: A Tool to Gain Control of Security Requirements Evolution",
Towards a Service-Based Internet, vol. 6994: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 321-322, 2011.
"Static Type Checking of Model Transformation Programs",
Electronic Communications of the EASST, International Conference on Graph Transformation 2010 - Doctoral Symposium, vol. 38, 09/2011.
"Towards Guided Trajectory Exploration of Graph Transformation Systems",
Electronic Communications of the EASST, Petri Nets and Graph Transformations 2010, vol. 40, 08/2011.
"Implementing Efficient Model Validation in EMF Tools: Tool Demonstration",
26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2011), Lawrence, Kansas, USA, IEEE Computer Society, 11/2011.
"A Model-driven Framework for Guided Design Space Exploration",
26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2011), Lawrence, Kansas, USA, IEEE Computer Society, 11/2011.
ACM Distinguished Paper Award, Acceptance rate: 15%
"Towards Dynamic Backward Slicing of Model Transformations",
26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2011), Lawrence, Kansas, IEEE Computer Society, 11/2011.
"Quick fix generation for DSMLs",
IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, VL/HCC 2011, Pittsbourgh, PA, USA, IEEE Computer Society, 09/2011.
Acceptance rate: 33%
"A Tool for Managing Evolving Security Requirements",
CAiSE'11 Forum at the 23rd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, vol. 734, London, UK, CEUR-WS, pp. 49-56, 06/2011.
"A Graph Query Language for EMF models",
Theory and Practice of Model Transformations, Fourth International Conference, ICMT 2011, Zurich, Switzerland, June 27-28, 2011. Proceedings, vol. 6707: Springer, pp. 167-182, 2011.
Acceptance rate: 27%
"Rigorous Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Systems - Results of the SENSORIA project on Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Computing",
Rigorous Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Systems - Results of the SENSORIA project on Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Computing: Springer, 2010.
"Workflow-Driven Tool Integration Using Model Transformation",
Graph Transformations and Model Driven Enginering - Essays Dedicated to Manfred Nagl on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday: Springer, pp. 224-248, 2010.
"Experimental Assessment of Combining Pattern Matching Strategies with VIATRA2",
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, vol. 12, issue 3-4, pp. 211-230, 2010.
"Non-Functional Properties in the Model-Driven Development of Service-Oriented Systems",
Software and Systems Modeling, 2010.
Appeared online
"Synchronization of abstract and concrete syntax in domain-specific modeling languages",
Software and Systems Modeling, vol. 9, issue 4, pp. 453-471, 2010.
"Incremental Evaluation of Model Queries over EMF Models",
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 13th International Conference, MODELS'10: Springer, 10/2010.
Acceptance rate: 21%
"Model-Driven Development of ARINC 653 Configuration Tables",
29th IEEE & AIAA Digital Avionics System Conference (DASC), Salt Lake City, US, IEEE, 10/2010.
"Back-annotation of Simulation Traces with Change-Driven Model Transformations",
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, Pisa, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 145-155, 09/2010.
Acceptance rate: 22%
From BPEL to SAL and Back: a Tool Demo on Back-Annotation with VIATRA2,
: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), pp. 35-42, 09/2010.
Accepted for the SEFM'2010 "Posters and Tool Demo Session" Track