Varró Gergely
"Change-driven model transformations. Change (in) the rule to rule the change.",
Software and Systems Modeling, vol. 11, issue 3: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 431-461, 2012.
"Change-Driven Model Transformations",
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 12th International Conference, MODELS 2009, Denver, CO, USA, October 4-9, 2009. Proceedings, vol. 5795: Springer, pp. 342-356, 2009.
Springer Best Paper Award and ACM Distinguished Paper Award
Acceptance rate: 18%
"Incremental pattern matching in the VIATRA model transformation system",
Proc. Graph and Model Transformations (GRAMOT 2008): ACM, 2008.
"Generic Search Plans for Matching Advanced Graph Patterns",
Electronic Communications of the EASST, vol. 6, 2007.
Selected papers of GT-VMT 2007: Graph Transformation and Visual Modelling Techniques 2007
"Recursive Graph Pattern Matching: With Magic Sets and Global Search Plans",
Proc. Third International Workshop and Symposium on Applications of Graph Transormation with Industrial Relevance (AGTIVE 2007), vol. 5088: Springer, 2007.
"Graph Transformation in Relational Databases",
Journal of Software and Systems Modelling, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 313–341, September, 2006.
"Automatic generation of platform-specific transformation",
Info-Communications-Technology, vol. LXI, no. 7, pp. 40–45, 2006.
"Compiling Model Transformations to EJB3-Specific Transformer Plugins",
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing –- Model Transformation Track (SAC 2006), Dijon, France, ACM Press, pp. 1288-1295, April, 2006.
Acceptance rate: 32%
"Adaptive Graph Pattern Matching for Model Transformations using Model-sensitive Search Plans",
GraMot 2005, International Workshop on Graph and Model Transformations, vol. 152: Elsevier, pp. 191–205, 2006.
"Incremental Graph Pattern Matching: Data Structures and Initial Experiments",
Graph and Model Transformation (GraMoT 2006), vol. 4: EASST, 2006.
"Benchmarking for Graph Transformation",
Proc. IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 05), Dallas, Texas, USA, IEEE Press, pp. 79–88, September, 2005.
Acceptance rate: 31%
"Model-Based Optimization of Enterprise Application and Service Deployment",
Second International Service Availability Symposium, ISAS 2005, Berlin, Germany, April 25-26, vol. 3694: Springer, pp. 84–98, 2005.
Benchmarking for Graph Transformation,
, no. TUB-TR-05-EE17: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, March, 2005.
"Graph Transformations in Relational Databases",
Proc. GraBaTs 2004: International Workshop on Graph Based Tools, Rome, Italy, Elsevier, October, 2004.
In press
"Graph Transformation with Incremental Updates",
Proc. GT-VMT 2004, International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modelling Techniques, vol. 109: Elsevier, pp. 71-83, 2004.
"Designing the Automatic Transformation of Visual Languages",
Science of Computer Programming, vol. 44, no. 2: Elsevier, pp. 205–227, August, 2002.
"Designing the Automatic Transformation of Visual Languages",
GRATRA 2000 Joint {APPLIGRAPH} and {GETGRATS} Workshop on Graph Transformation Systems, Berlin, Germany, pp. 14–21, March 25–27, 2000.
"Visual Graph Transformation in System Verification",
DDECS 2000 International IEEE Workshop on the Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, Bratislava, Slovakia, pp. 137–141, April 5–7, 2000.
Towards an XMI–Based Model Interchange Format for Graph Transformation Systems,
: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, September, 2000.
Designing the Automatic Transformation of Visual Languages,
, November, 1999.