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"An Integrated Framework for the Dependability Evaluation of Distributed Mobile Applications",
Proceedings of the 2008 RISE/EFTS Joint International Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems: ACM, pp. 29 - 38, 2008.
"International Workshop on Resilience Assessment and Dependability Benchmarking (RADB 2008)",
Proc. of the 38th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2008), pp. 542 - 543, 2008.
"Introducing Dynamism to SA Forum Cluster",
Dependable Network Computing and Mobile Systems, Naples, Italy, 10/2008.
"Incremental pattern matching in the VIATRA model transformation system",
Proc. Graph and Model Transformations (GRAMOT 2008): ACM, 2008.
Incremental graph pattern matching and applications,
: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, May, 2008.
Investigating Indirect Dependencies in Bipartite Cliques of IT Infrastructure Topology,
: IBM Research Zurich, 2008.
"Integrált irányítási alkalmazások járműrendszerekben.",
Jövő Járműve - Járműipari Innováció, issue 1-2, pp. 28 - 31, 2007.
"Incremental Graph Pattern Matching: Data Structures and Initial Experiments",
Graph and Model Transformation (GraMoT 2006), vol. 4: EASST, 2006.
"Implementation of a testing and diagnostic concept for an NPP reactor protection system",
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3463, pp. 391 - 402, 2005.
"Idő- és eseményvezérelt kommunikáció beágyazott számítógépes rendszerekben",
ELEKTROTECHNIKA, vol. 97, issue Tudományos különszám, pp. 19 - 22, 2004.
"Impact of Statechart Implementation Techniques on The Effectiveness of Fault Detection Mechanisms",
Proceedings of The EUROMICRO'04 Workshop on Component Based Software Engineering: IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 136 - 143, 2004.