After a successful STAF 2013 conference
The STAF 2013 conference - a federation of leading conferences on software technology - was organized successfully betweeen June 17-20 by the Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group in Budapest for the first time.
During the four days, 3 main conferences (ICMT 2013: 6th Int. Conf. on Model Transformation, SC 2013: 12th Int. Conf. on Software Composition, TAP 2013: 7th Int. Conf on Tests and Proofs), a traditional tool contest (TTC 2013: 6th Transformation Tool Contest), and three satellite workshops were organized with positive international feedback.
Dr. Dániel Varró served as the General Chair and Ákos Horváth acted as Local Organizing Chair of the STAF 2013 conference. Significant further help was provided Gábor Bergmann, Benedek Izsó, Zoltán Micskei, István Ráth and András Vörös (from the group) and several student volunteers, namely, Márton Búr, Lajos Cseppentő, István Dávid, Vince Molnár, Oszkár Semeráth, Gábor Szárnyas and Tamás Tóth. Their help is acknowledged hereby.