VIATRA wins offline contest at TTC 2016
This year the 9th Transformation Tool Contest has been organized in Vienna at the STAF 2016 conference, where one must solve a task about model transformation.
This year's task was a simplified version of the Class Responsibility Assignment problem, where methods and attributes have to be assigned to classes in a way that the assignment is optimal with respect to certain software metrics. The task has been also solved with the rule-based design space exploration framework (VIATRA-DSE) of the VIATRA tool, which was awarded first prize from the nine submitted solutions. The solution submitted together with Gábor Szárnyas was presented by András Szabolcs Nagy at 8th of July in Vienna. The source of the solution is available on Github.
The corresponding research was supported by the MTA-BME Lendület 2015 on Cyber Physical Systems Research Group.