System Modelling: Result of the Home Assignments

The results of the already submitted works are published in the attached file.

You have to defend your work orally. For that I have set up some time slots. You can reserve one of the time slots for you in a Doodle table.

A short description of the evaluation results:

  • In the first column you see the Neptun code of the submitting student.
  • The second column ("Összegzés") tells whether your work has passed ("Siker") or failed ("Hiba") our test suite.
  • Column 3 shows the results of a static analysis of your model, it enlists some prohibited elements ("Tiltott elemek") in your model. The description of the found prohibited elements is in English.
  • Column 4 shortly describes the failed tests ("Teszthibák") in English.
  • Column 5 gives the number of the failed tests.
  • Column 6 gives the total number of the executed tests. (You had different home assignments, therefore the total number of tests may also differ. You should not really care about it, if it is near to 15.)
  • Column 7 shows the thrown exceptions. If there was an exception thrown, that usually means that we are not able to test or analyse your submitted model, and therefore we cannot accept it in its current state. (Usually the file cannot be read, or it cannot be interpreted as a model description, or its interfaces were changed, or something else.)

We have published an optional extra home assignement (for extra points) for you. This extra assigment focuses on testing your chess clock. Details will be described in a separate news.

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