MTA-BME Lendület Cyber-Physical Systems Research Group
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Dániel Varró The MTA-BME Lendület (Momentum) project started in 2015 to create new methods and tools for modelling, analysing and verifying cypber-physical systems. Main topics and contributions include the followings.
Modelling techniques for CPS
- Cross-technology benchmark for query technologies for evolving graphs
- Query evaluation for runtime models over heterogeneous smart platforms
- Bidirectional viewpoint synchronization by logic solvers
Formal analysis of dynamic and adaptable CPS
- Synthesis of instance models by logic solvers
- Characterization of realistic models
- Configurable Abstractions for verification and validation
Design space exploration for dynamic and adaptable CPS
- Multi-objective optimization for DSE
- Case studies and demonstrators for CPS
See the project's website for more details.