An Eclipse-Based Framework for AIS Service Configurations

TitleAn Eclipse-Based Framework for AIS Service Configurations
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsKövi, A., and Varró, D.
EditorMalek, M., Reitenspieß, M., and van Moorsel, A.
Conference NameProc. 4th International Service Availability Symposium, ISAS 2007, Durham, NH, USA, May 21-22, 2007
ISBN Number978-3-540-72735-4

In the paper, we propose an Eclipse-based model-driven framework to support an integrated development, analysis and deployment of Application Interface Specification (AIS) service configurations. Service configurations are first captured by platform-independent models (PIM), which directly correspond to the AIS standard itself, and abstract from vendor-specific details. Specificities of vendor-specific AIS middleware are incorporated into platform-specific models (PSM), which are derived from PIMs by automatic model transformations. Model analysis can be carried out either on the PIM-level to ensure standard compliance of a given service configuration, or on the PSM-level to detect availability bottlenecks by formal analysis early in the service configuration design. Finally, deployment descriptors of the selected AIS platform are generated from verified service configurations by automatic code generation techniques.

NotesAcceptance rate: 44%