Modeling and Verification of Reliable Messaging by Graph Transformation Systems

TitleModeling and Verification of Reliable Messaging by Graph Transformation Systems
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsGönczy, L., Kovács, Máté, and Varró, D.
JournalElectr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci.
AbstractDue to the increasing need of highly dependable services in Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA), service-level agreements include more and more frequently such non-functional aspects as security, safety, availability, reliability, etc. Whenever a service can no longer be provided with the required QoS, the service requester needs to switch dynamically to a new service having adequate service parameters after exchanging a sequence of messages. In the current paper, we first extend the core SOA metamodel proposed in [2] with parameters required for reliable messaging in services. Then we model reconfigurations for reliable message delivery by graph transformation rules. Finally, we carry out a formal verification of the proposed rule set by combining analysis tools for graph transformation and labeled transition systems.