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Conference Paper
Ráth, I., Vágó, D., and Varró, D., "Design-time simulation of domain-specific models by incremental pattern matching", IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, VL/HCC 2008, Herrsching am Ammersee, Germany, 15-19 September 2008, Proceedings: IEEE, pp. 219-222, 2008. Abstract
Acceptance rate: 29%
Varró, D., Varró, G., and Pataricza, A., "Designing the Automatic Transformation of Visual Languages", GRATRA 2000 Joint {APPLIGRAPH} and {GETGRATS} Workshop on Graph Transformation Systems, Berlin, Germany, pp. 14–21, March 25–27, 2000. Abstract
Ujhelyi, Z., Szabó, T., Ráth, I., and Varró, D., "Developing and Visualizing Live Model Queries", 1st Workshop on the Analysis of Model Transformations (AMT) , Innsbruck, Austria, ACM Digital Library, 2012.
Búr, M., Szilágyi, G., Vörös, A., and Varró, D., "Distributed Graph Queries for Runtime Monitoring of Cyber-Physical Systems", 21st International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE), Thessaloniki, Greece, 2018.
Búr, M., Szilágyi, G., Vörös, A., and Varró, D., "Distributed Graph Queries for Runtime Monitoring of Cyber-Physical Systems", Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, Cham, Springer International Publishing, pp. 111–128, 2018. Abstract
Ujhelyi, Z., Horváth, Á., and Varró, D., "Dynamic Backward Slicing of Model Transformations", International Conference on Software Testing and Validation, 2012, Montreal, Canada, IEEE, 04/2012. Abstract
Acceptance rate: 27%
Jukss, M., Verbrugge, C., Varró, D., and Vangheluwe, H., "Dynamic Scope Discovery for Model Transformations", Software Language Engineering - 7th International Conference, {SLE} 2014, Väster{\aa}s, Sweden, September 15-16, 2014. Proceedings, vol. LNCS, Vasteras, Sweden, Springer, pp. 302–321, 2014.
Kövi, A., and Varró, D., "An Eclipse-Based Framework for AIS Service Configurations", Proc. 4th International Service Availability Symposium, ISAS 2007, Durham, NH, USA, May 21-22, 2007, vol. 4526: Springer, pp. 110-126, 2007. Abstract
Acceptance rate: 44%
Nagy, A S., and Varró, D., "Effects of Graph Transformation Rules to Design Space Exploration Problems", Proceedings of the 24th PhD Mini-Symposium, Budapest, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, 03/2017.
Bergmann, G., Horváth, Á., Ráth, I., and Varró, D., "Efficient Model Transformations by Combining Pattern Matching Strategies", Theory and Practice of Model Transformations, Second International Conference, ICMT 2009, Zurich, Switzerland, June 29-30, 2009. Proceedings, vol. 5563: Springer, pp. 20-34, 2009. Abstract
Acceptance rate: 22%
Darvas, D., Vörös, A., and Bartha, T., "Efficient Saturation-based Bounded Model Checking of Asynchronous Systems", 13th Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools (SPLST'13), Szeged, Hungary, University of Szeged, pp. 259–273, 08/2013.
Hajdu, Á., Vörös, A., Bartha, T., and Mártonka, Z., "Extensions to the CEGAR Approach on Petri Nets", Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools, SPLST'13, Szeged, Hungary, University of Szeged, pp. 274–288, 08/2013. Abstract
Kovács, Máté, Gönczy, L., and Varró, D., "Formal Modeling of BPEL Workflows Including Fault and Compensation Handling", EFTS '07: Proceedings of the 2007 workshop on Engineering fault tolerant systems, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 1, 2007. Abstract
Varró, D., "A Formal Semantics of UML Statecharts by Model Transition Systems", Proc. ICGT 2002: 1st International Conference on Graph Transformation, vol. 2505, Barcelona, Spain, Springer-Verlag, pp. 378–392, October 7–12, 2002. Abstract
Salamon, G., Varró, D., and Pataricza, A., "Formal Verification of Model Transformation Systems", EDCC 2002: Fourth European Dependable Computing Conference: Fast Abstracts, Toulouse, France, pp. 15–16, October 23–25, 2002.
Marton, J., Szárnyas, G., and Varró, D., "Formalising openCypher Graph Queries in Relational Algebra", 21st European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS), Nicosia, Cyprus, Springer, 2017.
Huszerl, G., Majzik, I., Pap, Z., Pataricza, A., Petri, D., and Varró, D., "A Framework for the Development and Testing of Mission-Critical Applications", PROC. 5. National Conference on Object-Orientation (OOOK-2002), pp. & - , 2002.
Molnár, V., Graics, B., Vörös, A., Majzik, I., and Varró, D., "The Gamma Statechart Composition Framework", 40th International Conference on Software Engineering ({ICSE} 2018), Gothenburg, Sweden, ACM, 2018.
Varró, D., and Pataricza, A., "Generic and Meta-Transformations for Model Transformation Engineering", Proc. UML 2004: 7th International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language, vol. 3273, Lisbon, Portugal, Springer, pp. 290–304, October 10–15, 2004. Abstract
Acceptance rate: 22%
Marussy, K., Molnár, V., Vörös, A., and Majzik, I., "Getting the Priorities Right: Saturation for Prioritised Petri Nets", International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency: Springer, pp. 223–242, 2017.
Varró, D., "Grafikus nyelvek automatikus transzformációjának tervezése", Végzõs Konferencia '2000, Budapest, Hungary, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, pp. 454–459, April 26, 2000.
Semeráth, O., and Varró, D., "Graph Constraint Evaluation over Partial Models by Constraint Rewriting", Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Model Transformation, Marburg, Germany, Springer, 2017.
Bergmann, G., Hegedüs, Á., Gerencsér, G., and Varró, D., "Graph Query by Example", First International Workshop on Combining Modelling with Search- and Example-Based Approaches (CMSEBA 2014), Valencia, Spain, 09/2014.
Bergmann, G., Ujhelyi, Z., Ráth, I., and Varró, D., "A Graph Query Language for EMF models", Theory and Practice of Model Transformations, Fourth International Conference, ICMT 2011, Zurich, Switzerland, June 27-28, 2011. Proceedings, vol. 6707: Springer, pp. 167-182, 2011. Abstract
Acceptance rate: 27%
Semeráth, O., Nagy, A S., and Varró, D., "A Graph Solver for the Automated Generation of Consistent Domain-Specific Models", 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2018), Gothenburg, Sweden, ACM, 2018.