Software and Systems Verification - Hírek

SWSV: HA2 has been published

The second phase of the home assignment (HA2) has been published.

Goal and deadline are available on the Home assignment page.

The detailed subtasks can be found in the team's GitHub repository as issues.

The tasks of the assignment will be shortly introduced on Wednesday at the lecture.

SWSV: HA1 results and discussion

The results of the first home assignment for the Software and Systems Verification has been published to each team's wiki page. Please check the evaluations and feedback.

On Wednesday during the second half of the lecture, each team should discuss the results with the instructors, where questions can be asked about the evaluations face to face. We ask that at least one member from each team (preferably the lead of HA1) be present at the lecture.

SWSV: Cloud VM moved to KIFÜ-NIIF cloud

The virtual machine template that can be used for the SWSV course has been moved from the smallville cloud to the KIFÜ-NIIF cloud.

You can find it here:

SWSV: LAB0 and LAB1 results published to Moodle

LAB0's and LAB1's results (completed / not completed) have been published on VIK EDU Moodle. Afther login, you should be able to see your results in the SWSV course.

Remember that 5 labs from 6 have to be completed to have signature.

If there are any errors, please contact Zoltan Micskei.

SWSV: LAB2b simplified and redesigned

Based on the feedback from the first lab sesison, we simplified the and redesigned the 'Integration testing' part of LAB02.

The wiki page explains the application and the existing tests more clearly, and the exercises focus more on extending the existing functionality.

If you have previously completed the lab, then there is no further action required. However, if you have not started it yet, be sure to use the new version of both the code and the exercises.

SWSV: HA1 has been published

The first phase of the home assignment (HA1) has been published.

Goal and deadline are available on the Home assignment page.

The detailed subtasks can be found in the team's GitHub repository as issues.

If you had problems with merging the remote repository in LAB0, then please look at this description. Read more »

SWSV: Remote repository merge issue

For some teams merging the remote repository will give the following error message: "fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories".

There was a problem with initializing those repositories.

To merge use the following command: Read more »

SWSV: Forming teams (2019)

The home assignment of the Software and Systems Verification course has to be solved in teams of four.

Students can form teams, and the teams shall register using this link:

One student should create the team, and then the others can join to the team using the above link.

Please DO NOT USE space and special characters in your team's name!

Deadline: 2018-09-26 18:00 Read more »

SWSV: checking the 3rd exam

The graded third exams can be checked at 14:00-15:00 on 17 January in the IB408 oval meeting room.

If someone passed the exam, then there is the possibility to have a short oral exam on the spot to improve the final grade (+1/-1 grade).

If someone wants to check the exam outside the above period, please contact the lead instructor in e-mail, and suggest possible dates (on Friday or on next Monday).

SWSV: checking the 2nd exam

The graded first exams can be checked at 13:00-14:00 on 11 January in the IB408 oval meeting room.

If someone passed the exam, then there is the possibility to have a short oral exam on the spot to improve the final grade (+1/-1 grade).

If someone wants to check the exam outside the above period, please contact the lead instructor in e-mail, and suggest possible dates for the next week.

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