CSCS10 conference in Szeged

Three PhD students from the group displayed their research results on the Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science (CSCS) in Szeged between June 29 and July 2. 2010. Tamás Demián gave an introduction in Common Logic, István Szombath talked about his results about infrastructure dependency detection, while Zoltán Ujhelyi presented a type checker solution for model transformation programs.

The talk of István Szombath was rewarded with an Excellent Talk of the Session award.

Presentation at the PFARM Workshop of IEEE DSN

Prof. András Pataricza participated at the most renowed conference of the dependable computing community, IEEE Dependable Systems and Networks conference. He presented a paper at the PFARM Workshop(Proactive Failure Avoidance, Recovery and Maintenance) entitled „Qualitative Performance Control in Supervised IT Infrastructures” which was co-authored by Gergely Janos Paljak, Zoltan Egel, Daniel Toth, Imre Kocsis and Tamas Kovacshazy. Read more »

FTSRG organizes the leading dependable computing conference in 2013

The most renoved conference series in the field of dependable computing (IEEE Dependable Systems and Networks) decided at its business event, held in Chicago at DSN 2010, to organize DSN 2013 in Budapest with Prof. András Pataricza acting as the General Chair.

RDCS2010 workshop and ICDCS conference

On the Resilience of Distributed Computing Systems workshop (RDCS 2010), held on 2010. June 21st in Genoa, Italy, András Kövi presented their paper, coauthored by Zoltan Micskei, titled "Robustness Testing of Standard Specifications-based HA Middleware". The workshop mainly aimed at disseminating the results of the AMBER project, and besides the paper talk, Andras also held a presentation on the usage of the RAW Data Repository. Read more »

The DIANA project is accepted by the EC with flying colors

DIANA (Distributed, Equipment Independent ENvironment for Advanced AvioNics Applications) EU-FP6 project pushed forward the specification and design of the next generation Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) platform by evaluating integrated formal methods, Model Driven Engineering and Safety Critical Java. FTSRG created a prototype Model Based tool chain for the design and development of Safety Critical Java applications over avionics ready Real Time Operating System based on the ARINC653 standard. Read more »

Demonstration in Oxford about our model based test case generation tool

The prototype of our model based test case generation tool is available, what we have demonstrated to MOGENTES partners in Oxford at the quarterly technical project meeting on May 27-28, 2010. We have also presented our improved ontology based model checking tool and the traceability component of our tool integration framework. The university was represented by Dr. András Pataricza and Dr. Balázs Polgár. Read more »

Participation in the SecureChange General Assembly in Trento

During 10-12 May 2010 Dániel Varró and Gábor Bergmann participated in a meeting of the SecureChange research project held in Trento, Italy. 23 members of 12 partner institutions were present. The discussion ranged from presenting and overviewing recent progress and reflecting to reviewers' comments to integration plans between work packages.

e-Freight platform meeting (Athens, Greece)

WP2 of the e-Freight project held its meeting in Athens, Greece. The objective of the gathering was to concretize the requirements, understand the operating environment and outline the overall functionality of the e-Freight platform. During the two day meeting the partners presetented their requirements and discussions were conducted on the development methodology and the possible functionalities of the platform.

MOGENTES project is on the right way

The MOGENTES consortium presented the results of the last year to officers and reviewers of the Europian Union in Vienna on March 11, 2010. The officers welcomed the achievements. Our university was represented by Prof. András Pataricza. Read more »

Succesfull MOGENTES review

Prof. Dr. András Pataricza represented BME at the actual review meeting of the MOGENTES FP7 research project. He presented the main contributions of BME: an ontology based model syntax check engine, the SOA-based tool integration framework, the qualitative abstraction based high level test generator and the UPPAAL model checker based ATPG approach. Read more »

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