Talk of Prof. Lionel Briand on software verification

On June 27, Prof. Lionel Briand, head of the Software Verification and Verification Laboratory at the University of Luxembourg, gave a talk on scalable and cost-effective model-based software verification and testing. Read more »

Visit of Prof. Stefano Russo and his colleagues

On June 26, our group was visited by Prof. Stefano Russo, Domenico Cotroneo and Marcello Cinque from the Unversity of Naples "Federico II". Prof. Russo, who is our partner in the CECRIS project, presented their results in the field of model based design, testing, and system monitoring.

Dániel Varró appointed as ICMT 2014 program co-chair

Dr. Dániel Varró has been appointed as the program committee co-chair of  ICMT 2014 (Int. Conf. on Model Transformation), which is the main international forum on the theory and practice of model transformations. The ICMT 2014 conference will be organized in York, UK as part of STAF 2014. 


After a successful STAF 2013 conference

The STAF 2013 conference - a federation of leading conferences on software technology - was organized successfully betweeen June 17-20 by the Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group in Budapest for the first time. Read more »

Invited talk at VOLT 2013 workshop

Dániel Varró gave an invited talk at VOLT 2013 (Verification of Model Transformations) workshop, a satellite event of the STAF 2013 international conference on "Verification and validation challenges for models, queries and transformations in design tools for avionics". Read more »

Invited talk on an industrial conference on Supply Chain management

Professor András Pataricza and Zoltánnak Matisa - the head of operations at IBM Disc Storage Sytem - gave a talk at the  "VII. Elektronikai Ipari Supply Chain Konferencia" conference. They presented the Progile system developed mostly by our group for adaptive and agile production optimization using advanced prediction techniques.

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Participation at Dagstuhl Seminar #13211

Daniel Varro participated at a Dagstuhl Seminar on Automated reasoning over Conceptual Schemas between May 20-24th.

During the seminar, he gave a lecture on validation and reasoning over advanced domain-specific languages with derived features and well-formedness constraints mapped to the Z3 SMT-solver.

Guest researchers in the CECRIS project

Our research group welcomes the three guest researchers who will work with us between May 6th and June 28th on the CECRIS project. We have two researchers from the Italian Resiltech s.r.l. and one from Critical Software with headquarter in Portugal. Read more »

e-Freight Partners' Forum meeting, Brussel

The annual e-Freight Partners' Forum meeting was held in Brussels on 2013. May 13-14, in Hotels Sofitel in the neighborhood of the European Parliament. During the two day event the achievements of the project were introduced by the various working groups and the finalization of the project exploitation plan has begun. The research group was represented by Andras Kovi.

Participation at ETAPS 2013 conference

ETAPS 2013, the largest European conference on the theory and practice of software science was organized between March 16th and 24th in Rome, Italy. This year, Dániel Varró participated from our group as program co-chair of FASE 2013 (Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering) conference. 

Some photos taken at the conference with over 600 participants are available here

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