Presentations at the MODELS 2012 conference

Presentations at the MODELS 2012 conference

Representing our research group, Dániel Varró and Ábel Hegedüs presented at the MODELS 2012 (International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages & Systems) conference and the AMT 2012 (Workshop on Analysis of Model Transformations) workshop, held in Innsbruck.

Ábel Hegedüs presented a new use case of the EMF-IncQuery incremental model query engine for supporting soft interconnections between EMF model fragments.

Dániel Varró presented the interactive query development features of the EMF-IncQuery engine.

Additional material (slides) related to the presentation is available on the VIATRA portal.

Benedek Izsó presented a method for designing EMF metamodels and constraints based on ontologies.