Accepted paper at ICSE 2018 conference
We are glad to inform that the paper A Graph Solver for the Automated Generation of Consistent Domain-Specific Models co-authored by Oszkár Semeráth, András Szabolcs Nagy and Dániel Varró got accepted at the ICSE 2018 conference.
The IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) is the premier and most competitive scientific forum for presenting the most recent research results and advances of software engineering. It is already the 40th edition of the conference which will be organized in Göteborg, Sweden in May 2018. The last paper written by authors from Hungary got accepted 22 years ago...
The paper presents a novel algorithm (based on VIATRA Query and VIATRA-DSE technologies) which automatically generates consistent graph models for a domain-specific language that satisfy all well-formedness constraints. Our approach is able to derive graph models which are almost two orders of magnitude larger compared to model generators using the popular Alloy (MIT) or Z3 (Microsoft Research) tools as background solvers. Our graph solver may be used for systematic synthesis of test models for modeling tools (cf. previous design tools developed within the Trans-IMA avionics project), automatically generating test context for acyber-physical systems (e.g. for testing autonomous robots as in the R3-COP and R5-COP research projects), or even for the synthesis of chemical graphs.
This line of research was supported by the MTA-BME Lendület Research Group on Cyber-Physical Systems.