Security Engineering for lifelong Evolvable Systems (SecureChange)

Gábor Bergmann
Ábel Hegedüs
Zoltán Micskei
Dániel Varró

There is growing demand to continuously evolve systems to meet changing business needs, new regulations and policies, novel technologies and computing infrastructures. Unfortunately, the pace of required change affects our ability to ascertain and maintain the quality of a system. Our objective is thus to develop techniques and tools that ensure "lifelong" compliance to security, privacy and dependability requirements for a long-running evolving software system. This is challenging because these requirements are not necessarily preserved by system evolution. The project will develop processes and tools that support design techniques for evolution, testing, verification, re-configuration and local analysis of evolving software. Our focus is on mobile devices and homes, which offer both great research challenges and long-term business opportunities.

Model-based Generation of Tests for Dependable Embedded Systems (MOGENTES)

István Majzik
Balázs Polgár

MOGENTES aims at significantly enhancing testing and verification of dependable embedded systems by means of automated generation of test cases relying on development of new approaches as well as innovative integration of state-of-the-art techniques. Driven by the needs of its industrial partners, it will address both testing of non-functional issues like reliability, e.g. by system stress and overload tests, and functional safety tests, meeting the requirements of standards such as IEC 61508, ISO WD 26262, or AUTOSAR. MOGENTES will demonstrate that different domains with a wide variety of requirements can significantly benefit from a common model-based approach for achieving automated generation of efficient test cases and for verifying system safety correctness using formal methods and fault injection, as this approach increases system development productivity while achieving predictable system dependability properties. For that purpose, proof-of-concept demonstrations will show the applicability of the developed technologies in two application domains: railway and automotive.
In particular, MOGENTES aims at the application of these technologies in large industrial systems, simultaneously enabling application domain experts (with rather little knowledge and experience in usage of formal methods) to use them with minimal learning effort. All in all, MOGENTES will increase knowledge and develop new techniques and tools in the area of verification and validation of dependable embedded systems which can be applied in model-based development processes also by non-experts in formal methods. Read more »

Distributed, equipment Independent environment for Advanced avioNic Applications (DIANA)

Ákos Horváth
Dániel Varró

The DIANA Project is the first step for the implementation of an enhanced avionics platform, named AIDA (Architecture for Independent Distributed Avionics), providing secure distribution and execution on virtual machines to avionics applications. Along with this objective, DIANA also aims at contributing to the definition and standardization of the development and certification means needed to support this novel platform.
The introduction of the DIANA concepts is expected to bring a significant development cost and time reduction when compared to the situation where each aircraft electronic program has to develop a set of specific hardware and software. The usage of very promising technologies, such as CORBA and JAVA implementations in real time environment, and the update of standards will provide new opportunities to create the future IME architectures for the next generation of aircraft.

Software Engineering in Service-Oriented Overlay Computers (SENSORIA)

Ákos Horváth
László Gönczy
Ábel Hegedüs
Dániel Varró

Service-oriented computing is an emerging paradigm where services are understood as autonomous, platform-independent computational entities that can be described, published, categorised, discovered, and dynamically assembled for developing massively distributed, interoperable, evolvable systems and applications. These characteristics pushed service-oriented computing towards nowadays widespread success, demonstrated by the fact that many large companies invested a lot of efforts and resources to promote service delivery on a variety of computing platforms, mostly through the Internet in the form of Web services. Tomorrow, there will be a plethora of new services as required for e-government, e-business, and e-science, and other areas within the rapidly evolving Information Society.
The aim of SENSORIA is to develop a novel comprehensive approach to the engineering of software systems for service-oriented overlay computers where foundational theories, techniques and methods are fully integrated in a pragmatic software engineering approach. It will focus on global services that are context adaptive, personalisable, and may require hard and soft constraints on resources and performance, and will take into account the fact that services have to be deployed on different, possibly interoperating, global computers, to provide novel and reusable service-oriented overlay computers. Read more »

Assessing, Measuring and Benchmarking Resilience (AMBER)

István Majzik

AMBER is a FP7 Coordination Action. It will bring together leading research teams on assessment, measurement, and benchmarking of resilience in computer systems in order to coordinate the effort of defining metrics and benchmarks for comparative evaluation of the resilience of computer systems and components. The consortium includes seven partners (universities of Coimbra, Budapest, City, Chalmers, Florence, and Newcastle and the company ResilTech) from five EU countries, which constitute core research groups on resilience assessment, and relies on a large and representative Advisory Board that constitutes the necessary link between the coordination action and the influential parties in industry and government, thus ensuring that the views of major stake-holders are being taken into account by the AMBER Consortium.
AMBER aims to coordinate the study of resilience measuring and benchmarking in computer systems and components, fostering European research in order to address the big challenges on resilience assessment posed by current and forthcoming computer systems and computer-based infrastructures. Read more »

GENeric Embedded SYStem Platform (GENESYS)


The objective of the GENESYS project is to develop a cross-domain reference architecture for embedded systems that can be instantiated for different application domains to meet the requirements and constraints documented in the ARTEMIS strategic research agenda. These requirements are composability, networking, security, robustness, diagnosis, integrated resource management and evolvability. The reference architecture will address common issues, such as complexity management, separation of communication and computation, support for different levels of quality of service, security, model-based design, heterogeneity of subsystems, legacy integration, optimal power usage, and diagnosis. It will provide domain-independent services that can be customized to the needs of a particular application domain. Domain-specific platform services will be converged such that components from different application domains can be consistently integrated while preserving relevant properties.
The project will result in a conceptualization of the cross-domain architecture, a specification of cross-domain core services and optional services for the selected application domains, and four exploratory prototypes that will demonstrate and help to evaluate the feasibility of selected central architectural concepts in the different application domains.  Read more »

Dependability and Security by Enhanced Reconfigurability (DESEREC)

András Pataricza

EU Integrated Project (IST-2004-026600-DESEREC)

DESEREC is an Integrated Project of the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Union under the "Information Society Technologies" priority, strategic objective "Towards a global dependability and security framework" The fast growth of highly interconnected Communications and Information Systems (CIS), and the use of them to carry out critical activities, has opened an important issue regarding the resilience, reliability and security of these CISs. This strong interdependence increases the consequences of accidents, failures, attacks and implies high vulnerabilities, and only a multi-disciplinary approach is able to leverage dependability of CISs by an alliance of the following three approaches, currently scattered into separated scientific fields:

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Highly Dependable Ip-based Networks and Services (HIDENETS)

Gábor Huszerl
András Kövi
Zoltán Micskei
András Pataricza

HIDENETS - a Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP) in the European 6th Framework Program running in the period from January 2006 to March 2009. It developed and analyzed end-to-end resilience solutions for distributed applications and mobility-aware services in car-to-car communication scenarios with infrastructure service support.

Thereby, the concept of resilience extends the classical notion of fault tolerance, usually applied to recover system functions in spite of operational faults, to some level of adaptability, so as to be able to cope with system evolution and unanticipated conditions. Main results of HIDENETS are: (1) Design and evaluation of a run-time resilience support via a set of middleware and communication level functions; (2) A holistic evaluation framework for quantitative analysis of dependability properties of HIDENETS-like applications in highly mobile settings; (3) Design methodologies and tool support for the development and testing of resilient applications on top of the HIDENETS middleware; (4) Prototype implementation and evaluation acting as proof-of-concept of key aspects of the HIDENETS solutions; (5) Dissemination material including a detailed tutorial of over 900 slides. The HIDENETS solutions contribute to a user perception of trustworthiness of future wireless services, as this perception is strongly impacted by availability and resilience aspects. Such perception is critical for the technical and business success of these services.
The solution development and analysis required a holistic approach combining aspects of communications, middleware, service deployment and access. Hence the research work combined forces from the engineering community and from leading research teams on resilient distributed systems. Read more »

Resilience for Survivability in IST (RESIST)

István Majzik
Zoltán Micskei
András Pataricza

RESIST is an NoE that addresses the strategic objective "Towards a global dependability and security framework" of the EU Work Programme, and responds to the stated need for resilience, self-healing, dynamic content and volatile environments.

It integrates leading researchers active in the multidisciplinary domains of Dependability, Security, and Human Factors, in order that Europe will have a well-focused coherent set of research activities aimed at ensuring that future ubiquitous computing systems, the immense systems of ever-evolving networks of computers and mobile devices which are needed to support and provide Ambient Intelligence (AmI), have the necessary resilience and survivability, despite any residual development and physical faults, interaction mistakes, or malicious attacks and disruptions. Read more »

Safe Driver Machine Interface (DMI) for ERTMS automatic train control (SAFEDMI)

István Majzik

SAFEDMI objective is to design and develop a ERTMS-compliant safe (at least SIL2) DMI with safe wireless communication interfaces for configuration, SW and firmware downloading and diagnostic purposes to respond to the increasing safety level needs in the ATC systems of high-speed rail lines. Read more »