
SecureChange final review in Leuven

The final review of the SecureChange EU FP7 research project was held in Leuven, Belgium, on the 28th and 29th March 2012. The results of the third year of the project, as well as a summary of the entire three-year span of research were presented to EU-mandated reviewers. The reviewers posed questions based on the presentations and written deliverables, and then retired behind close doors; in the end, they announced that they accept the work of the SecureChange consortium.

SecureChange General Assembly in Milton Keynes, UK

The three-year span of the SecureChange EU research project is nearing its completion this January. The last General Assembly before the final review was held between 18-19 of January, at the campus of Open University in Milton Kenes, UK. In addition to the university, the town is also famous for Bletchley Park, the secret location hosting Alan Turing and the rest of the codebreakers during the Second World War.

Tool Demonstration at ServiceWave 2011

In accordance with the Polish EU presidency, the 2011 autumn installation of the Future Internet Week series was hosted by the Poznań University of Technology. The satellite conference ServiceWave also included a free-form tool demonstration slot in its programme. Read more »

SecureChange General Assembly in Paris

The current General Assembly of the EU research project SecureChange was held in Paris between 19-21 October, and hosted in the modern office of the Paris branch of the INRIA research institute. Our research group was represented by dr. Dániel Varró, dr. István Ráth and Gábor Bergmann.

Second SecureChange ATM workshop in Rome

Last week in Rome, Work Package 3 of the SecureChange EU research project conducted one of the final industrial validation events of its requirements engineering methodology. Read more »

Participation at the General Assembly of the SecureChange EU research project in Innsbruck

The General Assembly concluding the second year of the SecureChange EU research project was held between 18-20 of January 2011 at the University of Innsbruck. Our research group was represented by dr. Dániel Varró and Gábor Bergmann. The participating partners summarized their results achieved during the second year of the project, initiated the discussion on the plans for validation activities, agreed on next years's cooperation and integration strategy, and continued the preparations for April's review hearings. Our group presented a demonstrator prototype that showcases the tools and techniques of WP3, with EMF-IncQuery as the underling technology.

SecureChange WP3 meeting in Paris

This modern building of Thales Research at the outskirts of Paris hosted the 2010 October meeting of the WP3 working group of the EU research project SecureChange. Our research group was represented by Gábor Bergmann. Project partners discussed the remaining tasks in the second year of SecureChange, finalized the outline of the upcoming project deliverables, drafted plans on the conceptual and technical integration among partners and work packages, and presented their results to the other WP members. FTSRG showcased accomplishments funded by SecureChange, including the tool EMF-IncQuery and the results of Ábel Hegedüs in the topics of BPEL verification and execution trace back-annotation.

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