Szűrők: Az Utónév Első Betűje = H [Minden szűrő visszaállítása]
"Design Pattern Based Transformation of Dynamic UML Models for Quantitative Analysis",
11th European Workshop on Dependable Computing (EWDC-11), Budapest, pp. - , 2000.
"Quantitative Analysis of Dependability Critical Systems Based on UML Statechart Models",
Proc. Fifth IEEE Int. Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering, (HASE 2000), Los Alamitos, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 83 - 92, 2000.
"UML - Extensions for Quantitative Analysis",
Proc. of UML 2000 Workshop: Dynamic Behaviour in UML Models: Semantic Questions, München, LMU-München, Institut für Informatik, pp. 70 - 75, 2000.
"Quantitative Evaluation of Dependability Critical Systems Based on Guarded Statechart Models",
Proc. Fourth IEEE Int. Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE'99): IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 37 - 45, 1999.
"Transformation of Guarded Statecharts for Quantitative Evaluation of Dependable Embedded Systems",
Proc. 10th European Workshop on Dependable Computing (EWDC-10): Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, pp. 143 - 187, 1999.
"Hardware Accelerators for Petri-net Analysis",
Proc. Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Systems (DAPSYS'98): University of Vienna, Department of Applied Computer Science, pp. 99 - 104, 1998.
"Multiprocessor Checking Using Watchdog Processors",
COMPUTER SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, vol. 11, issue 5, pp. 301 - 310, 1996.
"Hierarchical Checking of Multiprocessors Using Watchdog Processors",
Dependable Computing - EDCC-1, Berlin ; Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, pp. 386 - 403, 1994.
"A High-Speed Watchdog Processor for Multitasking Systems",
Proc. Eighth Symposium on Microcomputer and Microprocessor Applications (uP'94): HTE, pp. 65 - 74, 1994.
"Watchdog Processors in Parallel Systems",
MICROPROCESSING AND MICROPROGRAMMING, vol. 39, issue 2-5, pp. 69 - 74, 1993.