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Szombath, I., "Identification and Tracking of IT Infrastructure Patterns", Spring Wind 2010, Pécs, Hungary, pp. 524–529, 2010.
Szombath, I., "Sampling the IT infrastructure", Spring Wind 2011, Piliscsaba, Hungary, 2011.
Szombath, I., "Online Infrastructure Dependency Detection and Tracking", Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science, Szeged, pp. 67, 06/2010.

Szombath, I., "Sampling and Parameter Testing in Large IT Infrastructure Graphs", Proc. of the 18th PhD Mini-Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 10–14, 2011.
Szombath, I., "Dependency Identification in System Management", Proc. of the 17th PhD Mini-Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 34–37, 2010.