Critical Embedded Systems - Segédanyagok

2018. ősz
2017. ősz
Title Egyedi szöveg
Final Exam questions
Félév: 2014. ősz
Title Egyedi szöveg
Safety Basics
Introduction to Model Driven System Engineering
Requirement Modeling
Magic Draw and licence

For the first assignment and all the lab session about modeling we will use Magic Draw.

You can download a preinstalled win x64 from the following url. Based on the feedback from you it seems to be not working for everybody so please use the licence and download the appropriate version from the website.

If you prefer to install it to any other system (iOS or Linux) use the following licence and download the appropriate version (the basic MagicDraw and the SysML extension) from here.

All downloadable content is password protected you will receive your password through the Neptun system!

First assignment: SysML modeling

Read the document carefully and create the required model along with its documentation.

Deadline: the 2nd of November 2014 23:59.

The upload site will be announced later via news and on this webpage

Structure Modeling slides
Requirement modeling laboratory

The model created during the laboratory session for requirement modeling.

Can be used as the starting point for the first phase of the second assignment.

Unzip the downloaded file!

System structure laboratory

The final version of the laboratory with comments, however it is not fully completed.

Behavior Modeling
Hazard analysis
State Machine laboratory material

The model created during the laboratory session for dynamic modeling.

Unzip the downloaded file!

Architecture design and design patterns
Testing basics
Formal Modeling and Verification
D178B/C: SW Development in avionics systems
Railway safety
Nuclear safety aspects
Félév: 2013. ősz
Title Egyedi szöveg
Safety basics

Test design and testing process

Handout for the fault tree modelling

We are going to use the following handout in the fault tree modelling laboratory.

Hazard analysis

Slides of the lecture

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