Critical Embedded Systems

Horváth Ákos
Bartha Tamás
Farkas Rebeka
Majzik István
Vörös András
Korábbi oktatók: 
Micskei Zoltán
Korábbi oktatók: 
Tóth Tamás

Course Objective

Dependability and safety are crucial aspects for the design of critical embedded systems (used in avionics, automotive, medical, etc. domains) where a system failure may result in severe losses or casualties. The course aims to overview the main development, verification and validation principles and technologies of critical embedded systems.

Obtained skills and expertise

Principles and basic expertise in designing critical embedded systems and software.


The course will cover the following topics:

  • Basics of safety-critical systems: Main concepts, safety criteria and related certification standards, safety integrity level, requirements, architecture design, safety analysis, development process (V-model) and traceability.
  • Development and analysis techniques for critical systems: Formal modeling, quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques
  • Introduction to nuclear safety and its specific applied techniques in nuclear intrumentation and control (I&C) systems
  • Case studies: Avionics and automotive.
