Meghívott előadás a CERN-ben
Darvas Dániel CERN-ösztöndíjas doktorandusz hallgatónk egyetemi konzulenseként kapott meghívást dr. Majzik István a CERN genfi központjába. Itt a vezérlő- és SCADA rendszerekkel foglalkozó osztály munkatársainak tartott előadást "Specification based test case generation and monitor synthesis" címmel.
A látogatás további céljai voltak a doktori kutatás következő lépéseinek megbeszélése, valamint a lehetséges együttműködés érdekében a kutatócsoport és a CERN munkájának kölcsönös megismerése.
Az előadás kivonata:
Specification-based test case generation and monitor synthesis
Testing is still the most popular, but time and resource consuming verification activity. Automatic generation of test cases on the basis of a formal specification of a software component promises fast, systematic and flexible solution for selecting test inputs. The presentation gives an overview of typical approaches to model-based test generation, discussing the suitable specifications (data and behaviour models), the related test generation strategies (test coverage criteria), and the test generation methods (e.g., using model checkers or search based techniques).
The availability of a formal specification can also be exploited for the synthesis of monitors. Monitoring the behaviour is useful in several phases in the life cycle of a system. During testing, monitors can be used as test oracles to evaluate the satisfaction of specified requirements and this way detect design or implementation faults. In the operational phase, monitors can be used to check the correct and safe behaviour by detecting operational faults, configuration errors or unexpected environmental conditions (this is the so-called run-time verification). In the presentation, an approach to specification-based automated synthesis of the source code of monitor components is introduced, discussing several forms of specifying the monitored properties (e.g., by temporal logic, sequence charts, or extended scenarios of context-aware behaviour).