e-Freight - Eurpoean e-Freight capabilities for Co-modal transport

Kövi András
Pataricza András
Varró Dániel

The e-Freight project will facilitate the use of different transport modes on their own and in combination to obtain an optimal and sustainable utilisation of European freight transport resources.

With the help of e-Freight:

  • Transport users (shippers, freight forwarders, etc) will be able to identify and use direct or combined transport services most suited for their purpose.
  • Transport service providers in all modes will provide information about their service offerings and exchange information electronically with all relevant actors through planning, executing and completing transport operations.
  • Transport infrastructure providers will be able to facilitate the best possible use of the complete transport infrastructure and support transport users by providing relevant information about the available transport infrastructure and how to use it.
  • Transport regulators will be able to obtain in the simplest possible way the required information for monitoring compliance with applicable regulations, and to exchange information with other authorities for collaboration in security and environmental risk management.

The project will provide an e-Freight platform supporting the design, development, deployment and maintenance of e-Freight Solutions which will be validated in business cases and pilots involving representatives from all relevant stakeholders in surface transport including large and small businesses and authorities.