Methodologies for Model-Driven Development and Deployment: an Overview
Cím | Methodologies for Model-Driven Development and Deployment: an Overview |
Közlemény típusa | Book Chapter |
Kiadás éve | 2011 |
Szerzők | Gönczy, L., Hegedüs, Á., and Varró, D. |
Szerkesztő | Wirsing, M., and Hölzl, M. M. |
Könyvcím | Rigorous Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Systems: Results of the SENSORIA project on Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Computing |
Sorozatcím | Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
Series Volume | 6582 |
Kiadó | Springer-Verlag |
ISBN-szám | 978-3-642-20400-5 |
Összefoglalás | This chapter introduces a model-driven Sensoria approach for service engineering. The project delivered a comprehensive approach for service modeling, analysis and deployment with novel modeling languages, qualitative and quantitative techniques for service analysis, automated model driven deplyoment mechanisms and legacy transformations. Model transformation served as a key technology for model-driven service engineering. The first part of the chapter first discusses the overall methodology and then briefly overviews some key contributions of the project (Sec. 2). Obviously, these individual contributions are presented from the viewpoint of model-driven development. Most of these are discussed in detail in other chapters of this book or in publications related to the project. The second part (Sec. 3) presents a selected "end-to-end" example for using model-driven techniques for analysing services. Here high-level, standard models of business processes and their correctness requirements are translated to a formal model (namely, transition systems and temporal logic formulae) in order to enable exhaustive verication by a model checker, which is a common scenario in the Sensoria project.
Furthermore, this forward model transformation is also complemented with the back-annotation of analysis results to the original service models. The technique we present enables the easy visualization/simulation of model checker results right on the original business processes, therefore enabling the service developer to correct design flaws.
The tool support integrated into the Sensoria Development Environment is briefly discussed in Sec. 3.5. Finally, Section 4 discusses related work and Section 5 concludes the paper.
URL | |
DOI | 10.1007/978-3-642-20401-2_26 |