Optimization in Graph Transformation Systems Using Petri Net Based Techniques

CímOptimization in Graph Transformation Systems Using Petri Net Based Techniques
Közlemény típusaJournal Article
Kiadás éve2006
SzerzőkVarró-Gyapay, S., and Varró, D.
FolyóiratElectronic Communications of the EASST (ECEASST)
Kulcsszavakgraph transformation, optimization, Petri nets, verification
ÖsszefoglalásThe design of business or production systems frequently necessitates to simultaneously fulfill several logical and numerical constraints as requirements in order to deliver a functionally correct and optimal system. Such a problem can be tipically formulated as a combined optimization and reachability analysis. In the current paper, we show how this problem can be formalized and solved in those cases where the evolution of the system is captured by graph transformation systems (GTS) in that a cost parameter is attached to each graph transformation rule denoting the cost of firing that rule.
JegyzetekSelected papers of Workshop on Petri Nets and Graph Transformations