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Micskei, Z., Szatmári, Z., Oláh, J., and Majzik, I., "A Concept for Testing Robustness and Safety of the Context-Aware Behaviour of Autonomous Systems", Agent and Multi-Agent Systems. Technologies and Applications, vol. 7327: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 504-513, 2012. Abstract
Bonfiglio, V., Brancati, F., Rossi, F., Bondavalli, A., Montecchi, L., Pataricza, A., Kocsis, I., and Molnár, V., "Composable Framework Support for Software-FMEA through Model Execution", Certifications of Critical Systems – The CECRIS Experience, Delft, Netherlands, River Publishers, pp. 183–200, 2017.
Molnár, V., Vörös, A., Darvas, D., Bartha, T., and Majzik, I., "Component-wise Incremental LTL Model Checking", Formal Aspects of Computing, vol. 28, issue 3: Springer, pp. 345-379, 05/2016.
Pap, Z., Majzik, I., Pataricza, A., and Szegi, A., "Completeness and Consistency Analysis of UML Statechart Specifications", Proc. IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems Workshop (DDECS 2001): SZIF-Universitas, pp. 83 - 90, 2001.
Pap, Z., Majzik, I., Pataricza, A., and Szegi, A., "Completeness and Consistency Analysis of UML Statechart Specifications", 11th European Workshop on Dependable Computing (EWDC-11), Budapest, pp. 6 - , 2000.
Balogh, A., Varró, G., Varró, D., and Pataricza, A., "Compiling Model Transformations to EJB3-Specific Transformer Plugins", ACM Symposium on Applied Computing –- Model Transformation Track (SAC 2006), Dijon, France, ACM Press, pp. 1288-1295, April, 2006. Abstract
Acceptance rate: 32%
Polgár, B., "Comparison based diagnostics as a probabilistic deduction problem", LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 3038, pp. 1153 - 1161, 2004. Abstract
Micskei, Z., Majzik, I., and Tam, F., "Comparing Robustness of AIS-Based Middleware Implementations", Service Availability Symposium, pp. 20 - 30, 2007.
Pintér, G., and Majzik, I., "Code Generation Based on UML Statecharts", Proceedings of the 10th PhD Mini-Symposium: Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Measurement and Information Systems, pp. 18 - 19, 2003.
Nagy, A S., and Szárnyas, G., "Class Responsibility Assignment Case: a VIATRA-DSE Solution", 9th Transformation Tool Contest, Vienna, Austria, 2016.
Pintér, G., and Majzik, I., "Checkpoint And Recovery in Diverse Software", Proceedings of the 11th PhD mini-symposium: Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Measurement and Information Systems, pp. 20 - 21, 2004.
Pap, Z., Majzik, I., and Pataricza, A., "Checking General Safety Criteria on UML Statecharts", Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, Berlin ; Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, pp. 46 - 55, 2001.
Bergmann, G., Ráth, I., Varró, G., and Varró, D., "Change-driven model transformations. Change (in) the rule to rule the change.", Software and Systems Modeling, vol. 11, issue 3: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 431-461, 2012.
Ráth, I., Varró, G., and Varró, D., "Change-Driven Model Transformations", Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 12th International Conference, MODELS 2009, Denver, CO, USA, October 4-9, 2009. Proceedings, vol. 5795: Springer, pp. 342-356, 2009. Abstract
Springer Best Paper Award and ACM Distinguished Paper Award Acceptance rate: 18%
Semeráth, O., Debreceni, C., Horváth, Á., and Varró, D., "Change Propagation of View Models by Logic Synthesis Using SAT Solvers", Fifth International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations (Bx 2016), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 04/2016.
Ráth, I., "Challenges for advanced domain-specific modeling frameworks", Proceedings of the 14th PhD Minisymposium: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, pp. 118-120, 2007.
Ráth, I., and Varró, D., "Challenges for Advanced Domain-Specific Modeling Frameworks", International Workshop on Domain Specific Program Development (DSPD 2006), Nantes, France, July, 2006. Abstract
Fernández Adiego, B., Darvas, D., Tournier, J-C., Blanco Viñuela, E., and González Suárez, V. M., "Bringing Automated Model Checking to PLC Program Development – A CERN Case Study", Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, Paris, France, International Federation of Automatic Control, pp. 394-399, 05/2014.
Bergmann, G., and Horváth, Á., "BPMN to BPEL case study solution in VIATRA2", 5th International Workshop on Graph-Based Tools, , Zürich, Switzerland, Springer, 07/2009.
Hegedüs, Á., "BPEL2.0 munkafolyamatok formális verifikációja", Tavaszi Szél Konferenciakiadvány, Szeged, pp. 20-26, 05/2009. Abstract
In Hungarian
Hegedüs, Á., "BPEL Verification: The Back-annotation Problem", Proceedings of the 17th PhD Minisymposium: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, pp. 30–31, 02/2010.
Vörös, A., Darvas, D., and Bartha, T., "Bounded saturation-based CTL model checking", Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, vol. 62, issue 1, pp. 12, 03/2013.