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Varró, D., "Model Transformation by Example", Proc. Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2006), vol. 4199, Genova, Italy, Springer, pp. 410–424, 2006. Abstract
Acceptance rate: 29%
Varró, D., Varró-Gyapay, S., Ehrig, H., Prange, U., and Taentzer, G., "Termination Analysis of Model Transformations by Petri Nets", Proc. Third International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2006), vol. 4178, Natal, Brazil, Springer, pp. 260–274, 2006. Abstract
Acceptance rate: 45%
Horváth, Á., "Modelltranszformációk Implementációjainak Automatikus, Transzformáció Alapú Generálása", XI. Fiatal Mûszakiak Tudományos Ülésszaka (FMTU), Kolozsvar, Romania, Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület, pp. 149–153, 03/2006.
Domokos, P., and Majzik, I., "Automated Construction of Dependability Models by Aspect-Oriented Modeling and Model Transformation", Proc. 19th Int. Conf. on Architecture of Computing Systems: Gesellschaft für Informatik, pp. 66 - 75, 2006.
Gönczy, L., Chiaradonna, S., Giandomenico, D. F., Pataricza, A., Bondavalli, A., Bartha, T., and Telek, M., Dependability Evaluation of Web Service-Based Processes, Formal Methods and Stochastic Models for Performance Evaluation, : Springer-Verlag, pp. 166 - 180, 2006. Abstract
L3: citeulike-article-id:3911666SE: Lecture Notes in Computer Science KW: dependability evaluation Proc. of the Third European Performance Engineering Workshop (EPEW-2006)
Micskei, Z., and Majzik, I., "Model-based Automatic Test Generation For Event-driven Embedded Systems Using Model Checkers", Proc. of Dependability of Computer Systems: IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 191 - 198, 2006.
Micskei, Z., Majzik, I., and Tam, F., "Robustness Testing Techniques For High Availability Middleware Solutions", Proc. of International Workshop on Engineering of Fault Tolerant Systems (EFTS2006): University of Luxembourg, pp. 55 - 66, 2006.
Balogh, A., and Varró, D., "Advanced Model Transformation Language Constructs in the VIATRA2 Framework", ACM Symposium on Applied Computing –- Model Transformation Track (SAC 2006), Dijon, France, ACM Press, pp. 1280–1287, April, 2006. Abstract
Acceptance rate: 32%
Balogh, A., Varró, G., Varró, D., and Pataricza, A., "Compiling Model Transformations to EJB3-Specific Transformer Plugins", ACM Symposium on Applied Computing –- Model Transformation Track (SAC 2006), Dijon, France, ACM Press, pp. 1288-1295, April, 2006. Abstract
Acceptance rate: 32%
Ráth, I., and Varró, D., "Challenges for Advanced Domain-Specific Modeling Frameworks", International Workshop on Domain Specific Program Development (DSPD 2006), Nantes, France, July, 2006. Abstract
Balogh, A., and Varró, D., "Pattern Composition in Graph Transformation Rules", European Workshop on Composition of Model Transformations, Bilbao, Spain, July, 2006. Abstract
Horváth, Á., "Automatic Generation of Compiled Model Transformations", Proc. of Fifth Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science (CSCS), Szeged, Hungary, Institute of Informatics of the University of Szeged, pp. 54–55, Jun. 27-30, 2006.
Gönczy, L., and Varró, D., "Modeling Reliable Messaging in Service Oriented Architecture", International Workshop on Web Services –- Modeling and Testing, Palermo, Italy, June, 2006. Abstract
Ráth, I., Declarative Specification of Domain Specific Visual Languages, : Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2006.
Vágó, D., Simulation and transformation of domain-specific languages, : Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2006.
Pintér, G., and Majzik, I., "Error Detection in Control Flow of Event-Driven State Based Applications", Software Engineering of Fault Tolerant Systems, New Jersey, World Scientific Publishing Co., pp. 150 - 174, 2007.
Horváth, Á., Varró, D., and Varró, G., "Generic Search Plans for Matching Advanced Graph Patterns", Electronic Communications of the EASST, vol. 6, 2007. Abstract
Selected papers of GT-VMT 2007: Graph Transformation and Visual Modelling Techniques 2007
Majzik, I., and Domokos, P., "Aspect-Oriented Modelling and Analysis of Information Systems", PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 51, issue 1-2, pp. 21 - 31, 2007.
Polgár, B., and Selényi, E., "Gradient Based System-level diagnosis", PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 51, issue 1-2, Barborak, M., Malek, M., Dahbura, A., The consensus problem in faulttolerant computing (1993) ACM Computing Surveys, 25 (2), pp. 171-220. , June;Barsi, F., Grandoni, F., Maestrini, P., A theory of diagnosability of digital systems (1976) IEEE Transactions, pp. 43 - 55, 2007.
Bartha, T., and Gáspár, P., "Integrált irányítási alkalmazások járműrendszerekben.", Jövő Járműve - Járműipari Innováció, issue 1-2, pp. 28 - 31, 2007.