Szűrők: Az Utónév Első Betűje = B [Minden szűrő visszaállítása]
"Controllable and decomposable multidirectional synchronizations",
Software and Systems Modeling, 04/2021.
"The Future is Big Graphs! A Community View on Graph Processing Systems",
Communications of the ACM, 2021.
To be published in CACM
"LAGraph: Linear Algebra, Network Analysis Libraries, and the Study of Graph Algorithms",
GrAPL (Workshop on Graphs, Architectures, Programming, and Learning) at IPDPS (International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium: IEEE, 2021.
"Scalable Modeling Technologies in the Wild: An Experience Report on Wind Turbines Control Applications Development",
Software and Systems Modeling, 01/2020.
"Automated Generation of Consistent Models with Structural and Attribute Constraints",
23rd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Canada, ACM / IEEE, 2020.
Artifacts (tool and measurement results) are availables as a virtual machine at
"Evaluation of Graph Analytics Frameworks Using the GAP Benchmark Suite",
IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization, 2020.
"Distributed graph queries over models@run.time for runtime monitoring of cyber-physical systems",
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 09/2019.
"Diversity of Graph Models and Graph Generators in Mutation Testing",
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 2019.
"Will My Program Break on This Faulty Processor? - Formal Analysis of Hardware Fault Activations in Concurrent Embedded Software",
ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst., vol. 18, no. 5s, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 89:1–89:21, 2019.
"How Representative is a SPARQL Benchmark? An Analysis of RDF Triplestore Benchmarks",
The Web Conference (WWW), San Francisco, CA, USA, ACM, 2019.
"VIATRA Solver: A Framework for the Automated Generation of Consistent Domain-Specific Models",
41st International Conference on Software Engineering, Montreal, Canada, ACM/IEEE, 2019.
"Software Model Checking with a Combination of Explicit Values and Predicates",
Proceedings of the 26th PhD Mini-Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, pp. 4–7, 01/2019.
"Adaptive Step Size Control for Hybrid CT Simulation without Rollback",
13th International Modelica Conference, OTH Regensburg, Germany, 2019.
"Towards System-Level Testing with Coverage Guarantees for Autonomous Vehicles",
IEEE / ACM 22nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS): IEEE, 2019.
New Ideas and Vision Track
"Secure Views for Collaborative Modeling",
IEEE Software, vol. 35, issue 6, no. 6, pp. 32-38, 11/2018.
"Industrial applications of the PetriDotNet modelling and analysis tool",
Science of Computer Programming, vol. 157, pp. 17-40, 2018.
"Distributed Graph Queries for Runtime Monitoring of Cyber-Physical Systems",
21st International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE), Thessaloniki, Greece, 2018.
"Incrementalizing Lattice-Based Program Analyses in Datalog",
Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA 2018), Boston, MA, USA, ACM, 11/2018.
"Distributed Graph Queries for Runtime Monitoring of Cyber-Physical Systems",
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, Cham, Springer International Publishing, pp. 111–128, 2018.
"An early look at the LDBC Social Network Benchmark's Business Intelligence workload",
GRADES-NDA at SIGMOD, Houston, TX, ACM, 2018.
"MoDeS3: Model-Based Demonstrator for Smart and Safe Cyber-Physical Systems",
NASA Formal Methods, Cham, Springer International Publishing, pp. 460–467, 2018.
"Towards Reliable Benchmarks of Timed Automata",
Proceedings of the 25th PhD Mini-Symposium: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, 2018.
"Composable Framework Support for Software-FMEA through Model Execution",
Certifications of Critical Systems – The CECRIS Experience, Delft, Netherlands, River Publishers, pp. 183–200, 2017.
"PLC Program Translation for Verification Purposes",
Periodica Polytechnica, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, vol. 61, issue 2, pp. 151–165, 05/2017.