Szűrők: Az Utónév Első Betűje = F [Minden szűrő visszaállítása]
Automated Generation of Formal Models from ST Control Programs for Verification Purposes,
, no. CERN-ACC-NOTE-2014-0037: CERN, 2014.
Transforming PLC programs into formal models for verification purposes,
, no. CERN-ACC-NOTE-2013-0040: CERN, 2013.
"Activity-Based Abstraction Refinement for Timed Systems",
Proceedings of the 24th PhD Mini-Symposium: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, pp. 18–21, 2017.
"Adaptive Graph Pattern Matching for Model Transformations using Model-sensitive Search Plans",
GraMot 2005, International Workshop on Graph and Model Transformations, vol. 152: Elsevier, pp. 191–205, 2006.
"Adaptive Step Size Control for Hybrid CT Simulation without Rollback",
13th International Modelica Conference, OTH Regensburg, Germany, 2019.
"Anti-pattern Detection with Model Queries: A Comparison of Approaches",
IEEE CSMR-WCRE 2014 Software Evolution Week: IEEE, 02/2014.
IEEE Best Paper Award, Acceptance rate: 31%
"Automated Formal Verification of Model Transformations",
CSDUML 2003: Critical Systems Development in UML; Proceedings of the UML'03 Workshop, no. TUM-I0323: Technische Universität München, pp. 63–78, September, 2003.
"Bringing Automated Model Checking to PLC Program Development – A CERN Case Study",
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, Paris, France, International Federation of Automatic Control, pp. 394-399, 05/2014.
"Design and implementation of an improved and reliable pressurizer controller at the Paks NPP",
Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes: 7th IFAC International Symposium (SAFEPROCESS), Barcelona, IFAC, pp. 1162 - 1167, 2009.
"Evaluation of Graph Analytics Frameworks Using the GAP Benchmark Suite",
IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization, 2020.
"Formal Verification of Safety Functions by Reinterpretation of Functional Block based Specifications",
13th international workshop on formal methods for industrial critical systems (FMICS), pp. 219 - 234, 2008.
"Graph Transformations in Relational Databases",
Proc. GraBaTs 2004: International Workshop on Graph Based Tools, Rome, Italy, Elsevier, October, 2004.
In press
"Incremental Queries and Transformations: From Concepts to Industrial Applications",
SOFSEM 2016: Theory and Practice of Computer Science - 42nd International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Harrachov, Czech Republic, January 23-28, 2016, Proceedings, vol. 9587, Harrachov, Czech Republic, Springer, pp. 51–59, 2016.
"Modelling and Formal Verification of Timing Aspects in Large PLC Programs",
Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress 2014, pp. 3333-3339, 08/2014.
"OWLAP—Using OLAP approach in anomaly detection: Award: Good support for the data preparation, analysis, and presentation process",
2012 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), Seattle, IEEE, 10/2012.
"PLCverif: A tool to verify PLC programs based on model checking techniques",
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, Melbourne, Australia, JACoW, pp. 911-914, 10/2015.
"A Process Graph Based Formulation of The Syndrome-decoding Problem",
Proc. IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems Workshop (DDECS 2001): SZIF-Universitas, pp. 267 - 272, 2001.
"SecureChange: Security Engineering for Lifelong Evolvable Systems",
European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition (FET09), Prague, pp. 1 - 3, 2009.
"SensoriaPatterns: Augmenting Service Engineering with Formal Analysis, Transformation and Dynamicity",
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation, Third International Symposium, ISoLA 2008, Porto Sani, Greece, October 13-15, 2008. Proceedings, vol. 17: Springer, pp. 170-190, 2008.
"Towards Efficient CEGAR-Based Reachability Analysis of Timed Automata",
23rd Minisymposium of the Department of Measurement and Information Systems, Budapest, 2016.
"Towards Reliable Benchmarks of Timed Automata",
Proceedings of the 25th PhD Mini-Symposium: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, 2018.
"Adding High Availability Features to Server Applications Using Aspect-Oriented Programming",
HÍRADÁSTECHNIKA, vol. LXII, issue 1, pp. 56 - 62, 2007.
"Applying Model Checking to Industrial-Sized PLC Programs",
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 11, issue 6: IEEE, pp. 1400-1410, 12/2015.
"Graph Transformation in Relational Databases",
Journal of Software and Systems Modelling, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 313–341, September, 2006.
"Performance Comparison of Query-based Techniques for Anti-Pattern Detection",
Information and Software Technology, vol. 65, pp. 147-165, 09/2015.