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Hegedüs, Á., Horváth, Á., Ráth, I., and Varró, D., "Query-driven soft interconnection of EMF models", ACM/IEEE 15th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages & Systems, Innsbruck, Austria, Springer, LNCS 7590, 09/2012. Abstract
Acceptance rate: 23%
Hegedüs, Á., Ujhelyi, Z., and Bergmann, G., "Saying Hello World with VIATRA2 - A Solution to the TTC 2011 Instructive Case", TTC 2011: Fifth Transformation Tool Contest, Zürich, Switzerland, June 29-30 2011, Post-Proceedings, vol. 74, Zürich, Switzerland, Open Publishing Association, pp. 302-324, 11/2011. Abstract
Hajdu, Á., Vörös, A., and Bartha, T., "New Search Strategies for the Petri Net CEGAR Approach", Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency, vol. 9115: Springer, pp. 309-328, 2015. Abstract
Hajdu, Á., and Micskei, Z., "Efficient Strategies for CEGAR-based Model Checking", Journal of Automated Reasoning, vol. 64, issue 6, pp. 1051-1091, 2020. Abstract
Hajdu, Á., Vörös, A., Bartha, T., and Mártonka, Z., "Extensions to the CEGAR Approach on Petri Nets", Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools, SPLST'13, Szeged, Hungary, University of Szeged, pp. 274–288, 08/2013. Abstract
Hajdu, Á., and Micskei, Z., "Exploratory Analysis of the Performance of a Configurable CEGAR Framework", Proceedings of the 24th PhD Mini-Symposium: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, pp. 34–37, 2017. Abstract
Hajdu, Á., Tóth, T., Vörös, A., and Majzik, I., "A Configurable CEGAR Framework with Interpolation-Based Refinements", Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems, vol. 9688: Springer International Publishing, pp. 158-174, 2016. Abstract
Hajdu, Á., and Jovanović, D., "SMT-Friendly Formalization of the Solidity Memory Model", European Symposium on Programming, vol. 12075: Springer, pp. 224--250, 2020.
Hajdu, Á., and Micskei, Z., "A Preliminary Analysis on the Effect of Randomness in a CEGAR Framework", Proceedings of the 25th PhD Mini-Symposium: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Measurement and Information Systems, pp. 32–35, 2018. Abstract
Hajdu, Á., Német, R., Varró-Gyapay, S., and Vörös, A., "Petri Net Based Trajectory Optimization", ASCONIKK 2014: Extended Abstracts. Future Internet Services, Veszprém, Hungary, University of Pannonia, pp. 11-19, 12/2014. Abstract
Hajdu, Á., and Jovanović, D., "solc-verify: A Modular Verifier for Solidity Smart Contracts", Verified Software. Theories, Tools, and Experiments, vol. 12301, New York City, USA, Springer, pp. 161--179, 2020.
Hajdu, Á., Vörös, A., Bartha, T., and Mártonka, Z., "Extensions to the CEGAR Approach on Petri Nets", Acta Cybernetica, vol. 21, issue 3, pp. 417, 08/2014. Abstract
Hajdu, Á., Making the TTreeReader interface more accessible, , no. CERN-STUDENTS-Note-2015-039, Geneva, Switzerland, CERN, pp. 5, 2015.